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ive just got a lakeland dog hes a year old and got aboandoned a few month ago a lad i no took him in but his other dogs wouldnt take to him and kept fighting so i said id give him a working home, the lad told he hes from (parks) lines and wondered if anyone has heard or knows anything about these lines


thanks allrounder

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ive just got a lakeland dog hes a year old and got aboandoned a few month ago a lad i no took him in but his other dogs wouldnt take to him and kept fighting so i said id give him a working home, the lad told he hes from (parks) lines and wondered if anyone has heard or knows anything about these lines


thanks allrounder

any pics of the park terrier ?


no but il get some up soon im taking him digging next week so il get some up

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i think hes been kept as a pet and his owners split up n moved out , they lived next door to a bloke i no and he use to be well into his diggin n he took it in and thats who i got it orr n all he said is that its from very good lines (parkes) hes a big dog like ill take some pics tomorrow and put them up

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as long as hes of true workers i wouldnt worry what people say , no disrespect a lot of people in the dog game once they hear the speal (talk) use it to get rid of dogs always remember,True working dog men never get rid of dogs ,good luck ???

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the lad who i got him off is a good mate of mine and is a very genuin lad, ive got a salukixgrey whos getting on abit and a 1/4 bullgrey who ive been taking digging with my mate who has terriers and enjoys his digging so im fairly new to terriers as ive always had lurchers, i no nothing about the people who abandened him or why they did it, i dont think they were interested in working him tho,the lad who took him in new the dog and the dogs past and as i said before he doesent bother much with digging anymore but took the dog in for a few weeks but it wouldnt live with his other dogs (kept scraping) so he rang me as he knew i was after a digging dog and he told me its from these lines so i thought i would enquire about them on here so dont give me greif :blink::clapper: im trying to get the pics of him off my phone now so il put em up asap :blink:

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