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if you give it your ferert alive it should kill it.... but it is illegle too do so do the right thing and blow its face off first with an air gun...

its not illigal lads otherwise we wouldnt be aloud to go ferreting ..... also i have reptiles and some of them will only eat live food but dont let the ferrets kill it do it yourself ....... :victory:

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kill the rat in the trap then dispose of it.i wouldnt give a rat to my ferrets if it was the only thing there was to feed them on.they carry too many diseases and its not worth taking the risk.i had a dog laid up for months after taking a bite from a rat and catching something off it.it had umpteen trips to the vets for injections and medication.play it safe,youre ferret is worth more than some scabby rat :thumbdown:

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just shot him now took a shot to the eye second shot top of the head and i was just spinning around then took 2 more >.< i would like to see what a ferret wil do to it tho so u can feed a rat after its dead to a ferret?


Sounds like you need a proper airgun, what was it a gatgun? i know its only a rat but have a bit of respect.

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