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how much to have a ferret spayed/neatured?

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Is it a jill your wanting a price for ? as i have heard people paying as much as a hundred quid for a spey, but if he cant give you a set price for a spey go elsewhere its bread & butter to a vet that kind of work

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  tony d said:
afternnon guys rang a locall vet today just to querry how much to get ferret spayed/neatured? £85-£100 pound they said! is that expensive or about right?

just out of interest really. thaks


:icon_eek::icon_eek: Jeepers!! That seem a lot. Im sure my jills were less than £50 each and my hob was £49! I asked for a discount as all my animals are registered at the same vets and they gave me 10% off :D better than fullprice though. I'd phone around if I were you.

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  tony d said:
afternnon guys rang a locall vet today just to querry how much to get ferret spayed/neatured? £85-£100 pound they said! is that expensive or about right?

just out of interest really. thaks


Try a different vets mine cost same as a cat £32 the rip off ba*****s

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it really does depend on what types of vet you go to ,eg town /country vets ,i have been ripped off by vets but ive found myself a really great country vet ,i took a stray jill in last summer and she needed an emergency spay ,vet was out and saying ferret was coming round from the op before i had finished signing papers thought then it would be a second mortgage ,but i was only charged just over £35 .so just get the phone book out and ring around

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thanks for all the reply's chaps. i was just findind out really for the future for when and if i get my ferrets( please look in the wanted section :D ) it was more expensive than i thought like a lot of you have advised ring around and see what the price range is.

another question if i can. if your ferret has had the snip would there be a reason why you would need to get them castrated?

cheers tony

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  tony d said:
thanks for all the reply's chaps. i was just findind out really for the future for when and if i get my ferrets( please look in the wanted section :D ) it was more expensive than i thought like a lot of you have advised ring around and see what the price range is.

another question if i can. if your ferret has had the snip would there be a reason why you would need to get them castrated?

cheers tony



there are a few considerations when deciding vasectomy vrs castrate..


1. the cost.. usually costs more to have a vasectomy.. but then they can service your jills if you do not wish to breed or spay them...


2. Vasectomized hobs still maintain all their hormones... they will smell like a whole hob in season and will fight like a whole hob in season.Which will mean seperating your hobs ( though sometimes a good bonded pair of brothers do fine in season) and sometimes needing to seperate them from the jills except to do the deed because they wont care if the jill is outta season or knocked up.. they will just keep trying to mate.. which can be rather stressing on the jill and at times violent... for this reason Castrating can be a less expensive and more harmonious answer.. castrated hobs can happily live with other hobs and jills whether in season or not.

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