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is it alright for your dog to eat rabbit bones

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random question but i have just started adding hole rabbits to the dogs diet, at first it wasnt intentional as they helped them selves from the shed and even the dog that used to turn her nose up at any raw meat eats them now and they all love them


was just wondering are the bones like chicken bones where they can do damage to your dog internally as to me they seem quite brital! or are they okay?

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random question but i have just started adding hole rabbits to the dogs diet, at first it wasnt intentional as they helped them selves from the shed and even the dog that used to turn her nose up at any raw meat eats them now and they all love them


was just wondering are the bones like chicken bones where they can do damage to your dog internally as to me they seem quite brital! or are they okay?


As long as the bones aren't cooked, they will be fine. I used to give my lot raw chicken wings or turkey necks.

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random question but i have just started adding hole rabbits to the dogs diet, at first it wasnt intentional as they helped them selves from the shed and even the dog that used to turn her nose up at any raw meat eats them now and they all love them


was just wondering are the bones like chicken bones where they can do damage to your dog internally as to me they seem quite brital! or are they okay?


As long as the bones aren't cooked, they will be fine. I used to give my lot raw chicken wings or turkey necks.

To be on the safe side i cut the meat off for the dogs as for what meats on them it only takes a min or two to do and it saves a big vets bill

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random question but i have just started adding hole rabbits to the dogs diet, at first it wasnt intentional as they helped them selves from the shed and even the dog that used to turn her nose up at any raw meat eats them now and they all love them


was just wondering are the bones like chicken bones where they can do damage to your dog internally as to me they seem quite brital! or are they okay?



Dont' worry about feeding whole rabbits to your dog. What do you think they would eat if they were wild ???? Foxes don't have any problems and there internal tract is no more robust than your dog's.


We have fed raw rabbit and chicken carcass to all our dogs for several years with no problems.

If you have any doubts have a chat with people from here : http://www.ukrmb.co.uk/

Edited by mccloud
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I also feed whole gutted rabbit, never had a problem, the bones of all poultry, game venison are fine raw.......... just dont give cooked chicken rabbit or mutton bones.


Many people say freeze them first as this will kill off any worms/eggs that are in the meat, but I just dont have the freezer space to do this, as i have 7 working dogs and 3 pups to feed. I just worm regular, and my dogs are always healthy.


Nice to hear your new lurcher is feeding the pack, thats the way, will save a lot on feed bills.

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We feed ours gutted rabbits with skin and head and legs left on.

why nnot with there bellies in ? my dogs eat everything apart from the shit sacx \ stomach


Sometimes they have them with the guts in but we find it can make them sick. Also we always gut them in the feild to bring mr fox in :thumbs:

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our dobe has been eating rabbit for some time. As a youngster she would often find an old carcass and crunch the bones on a walk...initially it was off putting for me! but she seemed to enjoy it more if I tried to remove it, so I stopped. She has suffered no ill effects to date and now she is older she has caught and eaten the odd bunny. Any rabbits we remove from her, go in the freezer just to ensure anything hitching a ride on it is dead...and then she gets it with fur but minus guts. She will eat whatever part she can get her teeth into though- she wastes nothing!

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