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extreme fishing

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  trader said:
this could of been a good program but for this overpowering twat what an idiot he is, never seen a bloke so much his own arse as this bloke, bring back john wilson i say :yes:

Joking :icon_eek: John em a twat wilson, I agree robson green not the best choice of host for such a program, but I can't see wilson bowfishing alligators or eat the shit green did imagine wilson in a camo spandex wetsuit :blink:

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i watched it last night and he kept getting tangles when casting but kept telling the guide he was a good angler just that he wanted a normal reel instead of a multiplyer

when they gave him a normal reel and it showed him casting you could see he didnt have a clue

not realy supprising he was struggling to catch when only casting 20 yards out


seen the cat fishing trip in spain one too, didnt see all of it but i think his biggest was 35lbs? you can catch them bigger here so a wasted trip to spain if you ask me


of all the anglers about surely they could of found someone who knew what they were doing instead of that twat or were they hoping theyd get more female viewers by having him on there


wilsons a bit of a twat too but atleast he knows what hes doing even if he does steal other anglers fish when filming :whistling:

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i dont see the problem with the show, i quite enjoyed it. its entertaining and not every fishing program has to be like a passion for angling, although that is one hell of series. yes the guys a bit of a nob but so what? the only way fishings gonna get on tv is by having some form of celeb doing the fishing, plus its good to see the messing up instead of perfect fishing every time. now you tell me that every time you go fishing that it goes perfect... it doesnt, you get tangles and hook pulls especially when its the first time you have done it. good program i say and nice to see different forms of angling :yes:

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The wife let me watch it say no more me thinks! Give me JW any day, and fingers crossed catching the impossible with Martin Bowler is as good as it's predecessor a passion for angling, my all time favourite fishing program, thats if it ever airs on the tv.

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Most TV fishing is unrealistic anyway.


'Lets get the cameras out and film someone sitting still for half an hour, then pulling out a half pound roach!'

Bloody rivetting eh?


Chris Yates was the only bloke who came close.

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  markp76 said:
The wife let me watch it say no more me thinks! Give me JW any day, and fingers crossed catching the impossible with Martin Bowler is as good as it's predecessor a passion for angling, my all time favourite fishing program, thats if it ever airs on the tv.

i watched the half hour dvd in the AT the other week and it was absolutly brilliant! i was glued to the tv, im gonna get the series weather it goes on tv or not

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  kingfisher said:
  markp76 said:
The wife let me watch it say no more me thinks! Give me JW any day, and fingers crossed catching the impossible with Martin Bowler is as good as it's predecessor a passion for angling, my all time favourite fishing program, thats if it ever airs on the tv.

i watched the half hour dvd in the AT the other week and it was absolutly brilliant! i was glued to the tv, im gonna get the series weather it goes on tv or not

just give me the witch doc potion put it on my dogs lamp gun be well away put my dog against any one then

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  labsnlurchers said:
  kingfisher said:
  markp76 said:
The wife let me watch it say no more me thinks! Give me JW any day, and fingers crossed catching the impossible with Martin Bowler is as good as it's predecessor a passion for angling, my all time favourite fishing program, thats if it ever airs on the tv.

i watched the half hour dvd in the AT the other week and it was absolutly brilliant! i was glued to the tv, im gonna get the series weather it goes on tv or not

just give me the witch doc potion put it on my dogs lamp gun be well away put my dog against any one then

its mad how that worked, i want some of that myself, might catch summut then

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Guest MY LAW
  maty j said:
Are these just the repeated series? If you think the half pound fish Is bad wait till he goes spearing fish and he's about to go under there with sharks :D:clapper:
pity he was not fecking eaten by one .
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I have watched just part of one episode, and turned off due to the poor fish handling displayed during the part of the programme that i saw

i think the programmes title says it all, a bunch of redneck arseholes mistreating fish in a most cruel manner and providing yet more fuel for anti bloodsports organisations, did Robson Green and team not consider this when making the programme or even of removing the offensive material at the editing stage? he has no right to call himself an angler when he endorses such behaviour


most of the great British non-angling public gain what knowledge of angling they have from sources like the TV and televising programmes like this does no favours for any of us anglers, regardless of that individual anglers disclipline or sporting ethics at all


most anglers i know get involved in habitat restoration projects, bank clearance work and various wildlife projects with other bodies to promote angling in the wider community, the feedback we get from other non angling people who spend their time in the countryside birdwatching or even just walking their dogs has always been positive, showing these people that we have strong ethics when it comes to fish handling is also something that i have always promoted


Robson Green has, in my opinion presented a very flawed view of what angling is all about and has done little other that to set the sport back in the eyes of the non angling public

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