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long netting.

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well i have been offerd a 25yard long net which i am temted to take but never done long nets i have a dvd on how to set them and everything so i understand about the bag i believ its called.

i will aslo have 10 purse nets is it worth having the long nets or just more purse nets, also when will i use it?



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the answer to your question is "hell yes"


If you are working with ferrets a long net of any form is ideal as backup to your purse nets.

Invariably when you net up with purse nets you can sometimes miss the odd hole and that

is the one you tend to lose rabbits from.

So with the long net as backup chances are you will catch more.


As to purse nets you can never have too many, i presently have 127 of various sizes and types

and occasionally have not had enough.


Regards FT

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Lets put it this way mate,you have a bury of about 40 holes in a field 60 mts or so further on you have another bury it dosent matter how many holes.You know where the rabbits are going when you put your ferret in the first bury (if you stand in the right place) just put your long net between the bury's( no purse nets needed and don't disturb the burys)..... I know which i would have.


I have 130 purse nets which are very rarely used but my longnets are always used.Good luck. ;)

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I read a post on here a few weeks back, someone quoted taking 2 hours :o to net up a large 120 hole warren, well with a longnet, that would take a few minutes, plus pursenets get dragged off by some ferts, meaning your having to run around re placing them, well no need with the longnet, encircle the warren, put your ferts down, and wait, the fert should not need to be picked up again, just leave it be as it runs from hole to hole, I very very rarely use purse nets nowdays,

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right the long net is on its way, i dont no how much baggin tehre is or is it 25 yards in length and you have to sort it out yourself i dont no lol...

what pegs are recomended? just hazel?

also when putting it up is is just a half hitch (i think) each side ?



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well i have been offerd a 25yard long net which i am temted to take but never done long nets i have a dvd on how to set them and everything so i understand about the bag i believ its called.

i will aslo have 10 purse nets is it worth having the long nets or just more purse nets, also when will i use it?




I brought a 50 yd quickset longnet this year from the cla game fair last year and I have to say i dont know how i ever got by without one. In the last 3 trips its caught 17 rabbits. I have now ordered another 100yd net and i wont ever go ferreting without them.

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Guest ferret feller

yer there very good working a big feild there is a large open warren in it at the other end there is another warren eaqaully large if you put the net between the too and ferret one side then the other it works out very good...

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Lets put it this way mate,you have a bury of about 40 holes in a field 60 mts or so further on you have another bury it dosent matter how many holes.You know where the rabbits are going when you put your ferret in the first bury (if you stand in the right place) just put your long net between the bury's( no purse nets needed and don't disturb the burys)..... I know which i would have.


I have 130 purse nets which are very rarely used but my longnets are always used.Good luck. ;)


There speaks a man who knows what he is talking about. Positioning yourself correctly on a warren and you can shepherd the rabbits to go in almost any direction you want. Position yourself wrongly and they will mostly go back to ground.


If you are ferreting hedges or large warrens long nets are a must.

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every rabbiting opportunity is different!


I have a 100 yard longnet and a few stop nets (short nets for gates and cutting through hedges) when i got bought the longnet i used it pretty exclusively ( i also have 100 pursenets) and to be honest lots of situations can be done with longnets......i have done hedges, open warrens and ditches with mine! but to be honest i have switched back to using the pursenets more and more at the moment....but thats mainly due to having more land now with smaller warrens on them......i can run the longnet out though quicker than i can set 30 pursenets ....its on larger warrens that they come into there own and on large warrens in the open or in small copses they are excellent and as otehrs have said you dont disturb teh warren at all until the ferrets arrive thus you get better bolts!


Worth having and can be used in lots of situations


I would recommend the traditional setting of longnet's, using end pins and hazel wands ....i find it more flexible than quikset systems..........


good luck

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Longnets, traditional or quickset are a great help in the field.I'd always used purse nets until this season as thats the way i was shown 20 odd year ago :icon_redface: .However i was shown how effective they are by Netman off here & it opened my eyes up to the speed & effectiveness when set correctly.I have 2 quicksets(75 & 100yd) with 100% bagging & once you get to grips with them & think about the best way to run them on your land it makes things a lot easier.

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well i have been offerd a 25yard long net which i am temted to take but never done long nets i have a dvd on how to set them and everything so i understand about the bag i believ its called.

i will aslo have 10 purse nets is it worth having the long nets or just more purse nets, also when will i use it?



I was a bit like you when I got my first longnet! But now I couldnt be without it, best thing I ever invested in. A 25 yard net is a great size to start with :yes: Do you only have 10 purse nets altogether?

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