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washing my saluki,fleas,ticks ect

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Mine get one bath before weather gets warm in flea shampoo, use frontline rest of year & keep a pot of 'tick off' drops handy as well + some cotton buds & tick puller- only couple of quid. Little plastic hooks-they work. Only do this cos if the dog gets a tick you can get rid of it quick without waiting for the frontline to kick in.


Found that Wales was worst for ticks- we usually go to Scotland & rarely get them there. Went to Wales for week & found 11 ticks on 1 dog in one day-made my skin crawl. Spent all night getting them off. Quick thing to work is whisky on cotton bud as well- gets them plastered & they cant hold on.


Other than that dont both them - they dont work though. Only got one that runs through every mucky puddle she can find. The alsation/grey & saluki both jump over them

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Ours is not a hunting dog but she spends a lot of time out charging through undergrowth so I hope this might help. She also rolls in foxpoo at every opportunity so she ends up getting fairly regular showers. I try to avoid strong chemicals whenever possible for her and us...


A friend recommend adding garlic to the food to make the dog less appealing to tick/insects but I never found it to make a lot of difference. We tried a couple of different things last year.


A spray/rinse called Dyna-mite kept both me and our dobe bite free from mozzies and flying critters. Husbando got nibbled as he could never be bothered to spray properly.


Neem oil/shampoo is meant to be effective at keeping ticks,fleas etc at bay and it seemed to work. It niffs a bit like onions but does the trick. Our girl only had two ticks last year despite spending time around a heavily deer/rabbit populated area. She has never had fleas, bar the odd one that leapt onto her muzzles when she caught a rabbit.

I also recommend the o'tom tick removing tool- it removes the tick effectively without it regurgitating anything into the dog as it dies, or gets squeezed. We used it a lot when in Germany and they have tons of ticks and lyme's disease so getting the thing off without it managing to puke was a biggy! Their website is quite informative. http://www.otom.com/homepage.htm and they are normally cheapish on fleabay.

Edited by little nell
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