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Guest oldskool

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Guest oldskool




after reading the tragic story of night times ordeal over the xmas period i thought it would be nice to get together and give the man a pull out... he has a paypal account and if the brilliant people of THL can donate a few quid to the email address above at least it might help to take a bit of the sting out of the wound for the new year....



my donation is made

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Guest night time my time
:notworthy: oldskool,dont know what to say mate, never met you in my life and you do this for me, i posted cause after it happened i diddnt feel safe away from my house and felt like i had to say somthing to someone,i didnt want to ruin other peoples xmas with my shitty one,i get my landy beack from the pound tomrrow,should get away with new engine,seems everything else is lost though,i know who did it and cant imadgine what old people must feel when it happens to them,im 39 and not a nervous type but it shook me up,oldskoll and everyone else whos helped thankyou very much,my lad came home today for the 1st time since and has read the thred,its restored our faith in people,dont know what else to say,each time i look it chokes me,anyone ever wants to come lamping ratting or ferreting please pm me as its one thing i can do back in return for those who have been so kind,thanks,NTMT,
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