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If you r mouth is swollen you probably have a abscess. Probably best to get down the dentist, He will give you some antibiotics to clear it up before he can do anything to the tooth. Like the others say oil of cloves is a good pain reliefer but not a cure.

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Break painkiller up & put it next to tooth til it disolves- tasts minging but it does work- so does cloves & the whisky. Sounds like you got an abscess thou & that wont go without antibiotics- dentist will give you prescription.

Dont matter how much you hate them it's got to be better than been in agony everyday. It may not even be the tooth you think it is- swelling & pain confuse where you think it is. Wouldnt try plier- know some one who did & broke tooth- still gets toothache & abscess on it.

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