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My young whippet bitch has a swollen face, i took her to the vets today and they can find nothing wrong with her, she looks like a bull terrier at the moment. The Vets have given me some injectable metacam to try and reduce the swelling and some antibiotics, they did stick a needle in to see if any puss came out but nothing at all and the bitch is eating/drinking and being her normal self.

The only thing ive done different with her over the last week is put her on a hay bed because we are very short of straw bedding on the farm at the moment and she chews cloth bedding if shes given that.

I had a spaniel years ago with a swollen face like this but it was the summer and he'd been stung by a wasp, but its the winter and very cold at the moment and i cant think anything could have stung or bitten her, we cant see any puncture wounds either.

What do you lot reckon could be wrong with her, my other whippet Sally the lamping mad one broke her foot christmas eve so shes in a splint. I keep away from the vets for weeks then i spend Xmas almost living there !!!

I will try and upload a photo of the swollen face whippet in the morning in the better light.

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Has it been chewing wood.? Had a dog that did this and got a splinter in its gum. Its face swelled up too. Once the splinter was removed the swelling went down quickly.

We are going to try and reduce the swelling and then have a better look under a general on friday morning.

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How sharp & dusty is the hay? I know in general the hays been bad. My friends use barley straw usually for the dogs. Could she have got sharp bit of hay under her skin?? I've had to change where I get it from to get better quality but hope she's ok.

Its not very good hay but evrey body is short on hay and straw at the moment, its not been a good year for bedding and hay. We will try and get a better look at whats causing the swelling on friday

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HI there,


So sorry for your dogs discomfort, it is looking suspiciously like it is related to the new bedding...directly or indirectly.


While I was reading up on allergies for our dobe, I recall reading that hay and straw can provide a home for mites and suchlike. If the piriton does not work, it might be worth asking the vet for a different one. A bit like humans, dogs can respond better to a different antihistamine. Our dobe did much better on atarax than on piriton.


Do you have access to any shredded paper? I know some kennels use their shredding to bed down the dogs who are known chewers and it keeps them warm.

Edited by little nell
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