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sad day


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elo lads

well im totally gutted today after the daily routine feed before we set off we got to the sets around 7.30 but hwen the light broke about 8ish we noticed 3 dead carcusses dotted around the land also a couple of dead woodies by the looks of it some prick had been out with an air rifle and a guess they werent the best shot in the world (well that was my thought) anyhow we cracked 1st set nothing so onto the 2nd a small 2 eyed set 1 large hole and a little bolter about 20 foot up the hill so in went the big fella and what a noise then nothing after about 10 mins got the locator out 3 foot so out with the spade ...we got about a foot into it when bang fromthe bolter shot the biggest buck ive seen this year it was my daughters 1st trip and she was straight at it and the smile on her face (i knew she had the bug) however my heart sank as the locator had not moved i was hopeing the collar hd come off in the fight but when i got down to him he just lay there gasping one of his eyes had popped the only decent thing i could do was put him out and send him to big warren in the sky...... ive only had him about 8 weeks but i guess the rabbit got a deadly kick in ... so i cut the day short and headed off home

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i ferreted a set about two years ago with a friend, a set id done a few times before with success.

we entered ferrets sat back and waited nothing then tried to locate and it stayed in same position.

we dug down to find the ferret half dead also with its eye popping out so we put it out its misery as you would.

the tunnel we dug down to was larger then normal and relised there was a badger now occuping the set.

we found a entrance hole for the badger under a holy bush which i had total missed and not even seen any hole there before even from rabbits.

its a nightmere when something like that happens.



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Sorry to hear about that, sad loss.

Yep, people underestimate how powerfull a rabbits kick is, if the ground you are stood on moves from this, imagine what the ferrets like when it's head is stuck between the feet and the roof of the tunnel? Seems worse in very open warrens when they have more room to move.

Poor bugger, we've had a jill with it's eyes popped out because of this, we pushed them back into the sockets, and she seemed ok after that, don't know whether she ended up suffering with the sight though.

You did the right thing i'm sure, is it any wonder sometimes that ferrets switch off from doing there job?

Little warriors the lots of them! :thumbs:

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