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Do you use a Single or Mutli Shot - Air Gun


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These day's many Shooters opt for a Magazine Air Gun - Especially on Precharge Gun's


In the Summer Time when plenty of Rabbits about I do tend to use my Phoenix Mark 2 in .177

With a 10 Shot Magazine


Joy is that you do not have to remove from eye Shoulder to load the next shot

As a Underlever load


Have be known to get several Rabbits - exposed - with this


Check out Movie on Web Site - 10 Shots in less than 4 Seconds




But in winter tend to walk around with AA 400 in .22 - which I can get a 2nd shot off surprisingly fast with ;)



Edited by clubshot
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I have the BSA S10 Bull barrel .22 and i have a couple of mags to go with, my FAC rifle is single shot .22 but i'm hoping to change that to the Air Ranger .22 and that has 10 shot mags i have had good clean kill's with both varieties, but at night a single shot is not easy to reload so my preference would deffo be the multi shot!

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multi for me i use the s10 bullbarrel carbine .22


just easier at night ,

if you miss and its still there quick cycle of the bolt ready to go ..


and if you are unlucky or not on form . you do need to finish your target off . due to first shot didnt , . which can happen theres a better chance you will get your kill before its ran for cover or jump in its burrow

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Imho, air rifles are inherently single shot so I've stuck to that. I've found that knowing you only have one pellet available you tend to take a little more time over your shots and make them count.


At present I shoot an AA S200 and a Falcon FN19TW FAC, both single shot. I'll be buying another S200 soon but a MK3-that will be multishot as I'm intending to use that as a dedicated night vision rifle and as we all know it ain't easy reloading in the dark with cold fingers.


I've found that I can reload my current rifles pretty darn quick as long as I have ammo to hand.


Ben :)

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I love the nultishots as long as the mags are well made.

Once fitted a retro kit to the S200 and it was a disaster!!


the best mag i have had was the S410 followed by the Hw100.....


Mindst you, i have had the Fn12 for 7 years now and not had a problem with it, and i have put tens of thousands of shots through her....


I wouldnt like to go back to the time when i only had a single shotter....

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