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People with ferret courts!

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If I feed rabbit it chop it into four, if I feed dry I don't leave it in a bowl I spread it out, that way all the ferrets get a chance, and the and the top ferret can't block the others out, I found with the rescues that the hob just keeps eating until its gone, and won't let the jill near the food, now I spread it about the hob can't monopolise food for himself, and now he seems to be losing weight, good thing really, because he's chunky little git. :D

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yes its a problem brimmer, i have 9 in my court. 2 of wich are small hobs from last year, but boy are they fat, the jills that i tend to work the most ore nice and lean, but not skinny.


i tend to feed 1 rabbit a day for this many, although i will somtimes put a hare in , and leave it 3 days. and also somtimes go a day without food ;)

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