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Permission on golf courses

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just call in mate, i did, got a number, spoke to the bloke it concerned about rabbit control, we dont have a rabbit problem he said, its moles,, well i past the job on to someone else on this site as i know feckall about trapping moles, but i do think he got/starting the job in hand,,,,,,fecking paid ;)

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Hi there, i was a greenkeeper for ten years(now landscaping) and i used to shoot on the course regularly for rabbits and crows. The best thing to do is to speak to secretary/manager and also head greenkeeper(who i actually think should have the ultimate say IMO). I always just notified the live in stewards when i'd be up so they knew what was happening.

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One of my Club Members called in to See the Golf Secretary on the Off Chance

And was lucky the last one had just been ask to leave


Even got to use a Golf Trolly - which really allowed him to control the Rabbits


Does seem to be Shooters luck


Most seem to be more worried about Fox's than Rabbits


Aware of another Guy shooting on another Golf Range - who come close to getting shot

with a Fire Arm @ night


Because he did not phone and advise he was on the Ground


One Issue is that Standard BASC - Countrside-Alliance and NFU does not cover you should you get paid for the Job



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We had a trapper come up for the moles and occasionally he'd come up for some rabbits too using either .22 springer or .22lr. As long as people where aware who was up and when it was fine.


Only time there was any panic was when the steward forgot to tell his wife before he went out that i'd be up that night. So when she seen the lamp out on the course she got worried and phoned the secretary, who then phoned and confirmed it was me.


After that, i made a point of telling both of them in person so as to save any further confusion and me being disturbed...

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Thanks to everyone for their advice, my mate played the course a while ago and someone at the club had mentioned to him that they were over run with rabbits! i'l take myself along in the new year and ask for permission! If its as bad as my mate said i may be calling on some of you who live nearby for a hand!! happy new year everyone.

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Head green keeper first then club secretary

also keep an eye on the weather if snow is forecast our local courses close down and I get in there early doors 410 silenced shotgun wood pigeons rabbits a brace of each to the head green keeper and the rest in the freezer for me!!

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Other way about for me club secretary writes the permission and tells the head green keeper


The head GK wants to put his foot down a bit! secretaries can get a bit carried away with themselves

(sorry had a few run ins before and no doubt will again as i'm looking to get back into being a head greenkeeper)


As was said snow forecast will bring a closure to the course and provides a good chance to get out, just watch for anyone walking/checking the course(golfers sometimes want to check for themselves, for some strange reason, that the course is indeed unplayable) Same goes for frost, just don't walk on the greens!


Once we had a guy come up and he ended up taking his 4x4 round the course and over a few greens in the process!! Not pleased to say the least.

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