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Lamp 100 Rabbits

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ive owned 2 dogs in my life time that used to do 50 + rabbits regular each in a night , they where both as fit as fidles but even then it was hard going for the dogs , so i would like to see a single dog do 100 rabbits in a night . if there is any i want a pup from them ;)

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witnessed 160 + taken on lamp at uist western isle of scotland couple of good collie crosses .

was knackerd that nite but worth it the hole we dug on the beach to put the guts in was some hole :blink:


i heard on that isle andy of little britian could do 50+ :icon_redface:

atb,lamper12 :D

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dont disagree mate a man i know done 68 up there with a little beddyxwhippet bitch.

said it was boring and unsporting after a while.

fairplay to you mate.

id like to get on them sort of rabbit numbers double figures local to me are like rocking horse shit.

atb mate.

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me and a few mates managed 111 in a night once but with 4 dogs split into 2 teams, we got over a hundred on that place about 3 times, the place was crawling and the rabbits were piss easy and surrounded by walls, an ideal place to start pups.... on the same land a mate of mine ferreted 100 in a single day, and carried the lot down the hill to the car on his own for a bet, :D to us it seems mad but to him it was £100.... ;)

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took thity eight and if the bitch was to get a small break could have got another dozen or so but that was good ground and took 28 in one feild ,if i was serously into killing big numbers a well placed pellet or bullet had three hundred no dog could do that evn minshaws blue a feching joke ,any eejit who runs there dog to the state of collapse either stupid or queer in some way,as ayoungster we done silly things but you learn ,

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unless you got a huge family or massive dog pack why would you keep goin to 100 anyway? unless of course you're on a job..


The same reason why coursing lads want to get 5 hares, it should be a lampers dream to have a dog that can get such a number..but it seems nowerdays that part timers and the one for the pot lot rule the roost, and one of the reasons why there is no dog living that could get anywhere near that number..Dogs are judged on what they get, not what their owners think they can get..

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