whin 463 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 scotlands a big place leeview with lots of land and not many big towns more land than people but its getting filled up with more english every year as its still cleanish apart fom big cites ye i have wiped areas out not proud ,but needs must at times , at one time when you could sell dogged game willy nilly things did get scarce but since european laws game with tags snoopers well you need to go diffrent avenues i mind all these nlrc people coming up to gods country to chase rabbits a laugh , but when you go to these places they come from,i can see why they love gods country , we have lots of white settlers up here now ,beter housing look after the old better and not a bad place to hunt not always best for coursing but hunting well not saw much better Quote Link to post
wild rover 548 Posted January 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 scotlands a big place leeview with lots of land and not many big towns more land than people but its getting filled up with more english every year as its still cleanish apart fom big cites ye i have wiped areas out not proud ,but needs must at times , at one time when you could sell dogged game willy nilly things did get scarce but since european laws game with tags snoopers well you need to go diffrent avenues i mind all these nlrc people coming up to gods country to chase rabbits a laugh , but when you go to these places they come from,i can see why they love gods country , we have lots of white settlers up here now ,beter housing look after the old better and not a bad place to hunt not always best for coursing but hunting well not saw much better Yea used to hunt with Glasgow lads, don't mind hunting but wouldn't live there, good lads good days and each to their own, whatever they want to do and where they do it. Quote Link to post
Leeview 791 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 wild rover if your brought up with large areas of game ie hares deer or rabbits killing a big number with well schooled dogs isnt rocket sceince , a bit of know how and being street wise maybe if youre brought up on the land you learn as youngster , no being honest ive had as much fun catching five than fifty in some areas caute tthe five were bonuses and the fifty was pestcontrol ,scottish border was and is in some places full of game well keeperd and the 100 could be done but you need good buyers same with any game unless its for fun or sport , its all about why you want to do it , the only time i count what i catch is if people come out and well thtas what they want to do , if you live were it is no big deal , i would get abigger buzz going down beach picking afew salmos out of net or a doizen or two lobsters as i know my tiol would be worth it , i love bolting rabbs but never think how many will i get ,just good sport and table meat or dog meatferret food , people phone mw and mates can you get rid of rabbits i say well ye can we lamp etc as there added bonuses at times, i no some people have to ttravel for sport but ive always made sure i stay or go were the sport is at times cheers wr and myself know the lads that have done this 100+ on more than one occassion, the largest percentage of replies are of the opinion that it cant/or would be very hard to do, but you alone state" killing a big number with well schooled DOGS isnt rocket science" do we take it your doing these numbers on a regular basis? "the 100 could be done but you need good buyers"I may be wrong but there cant be many that are holding back on large bags because they have nt got a buyer Y.I.S Leeview Quote Link to post
wild rover 548 Posted January 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 i have a pup on the go who'd need thermal goggles to find any rabbits up our end, id be lucky to see 1 rabbit let alone catch 1, i must live in the worst place to start a pup off!!!!! Don't know where you live mate but travel and find permission, we have for years bit of a bind but worth it. Quote Link to post
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 I think the point Whin is trying to make is why would you want to kill 100 rabbits unless you've got a game dealer or someone who will take the excess bunnies off you. As some have admitted on this thread it's more off an ego thing to do the ton and when it becomes killing for killings sake its time to pack it in. I have been close to the ton myself a few times last season one night I was only 96 shy of the magic number....maybe the next time....and yes I think it could be done in the right place with the right conditions. Quote Link to post
wild rover 548 Posted January 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 I think the point Whin is trying to make is why would you want to kill 100 rabbits unless you've got a game dealer or someone who will take the excess bunnies off you. As some have admitted on this thread it's more off an ego thing to do the ton and when it becomes killing for killings sake its time to pack it in. I have been close to the ton myself a few times last season one night I was only 96 shy of the magic number....maybe the next time....and yes I think it could be done in the right place with the right conditions. He is making a few points, mainly his and contradicts and the reasons have been mentioned and it was pest control and a good market for rabbits which paid for trailer and travel costs, sadly we had to travel to work our dogs well. Quote Link to post
Leeview 791 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 Pest control that had to be seen to be effective or others were waiting in the wings Y.I.S Leeview Quote Link to post
TOMO 26,946 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 I think the point Whin is trying to make is why would you want to kill 100 rabbits unless you've got a game dealer or someone who will take the excess bunnies off you. As some have admitted on this thread it's more off an ego thing to do the ton and when it becomes killing for killings sake its time to pack it in. I have been close to the ton myself a few times last season one night I was only 96 shy of the magic number....maybe the next time....and yes I think it could be done in the right place with the right conditions. good score that mate 1 or 2 dogs Quote Link to post
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 I think the point Whin is trying to make is why would you want to kill 100 rabbits unless you've got a game dealer or someone who will take the excess bunnies off you. As some have admitted on this thread it's more off an ego thing to do the ton and when it becomes killing for killings sake its time to pack it in. I have been close to the ton myself a few times last season one night I was only 96 shy of the magic number....maybe the next time....and yes I think it could be done in the right place with the right conditions. good score that mate 1 or 2 dogs Erm! just the one dog Tomo if I had stayed out longer I might have got 5! Quote Link to post
lanesra 3,994 Posted January 7, 2009 Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 In early 80s the isle of man was havin an epidemic of rabbits so much the goverment put a bounty on rabbits 25pence a tail, work was tight so lads i know where findin lampin the only way of makin money, 1 bitch had 108 in a night, this is not me braggin it had nothin to do with me just statin facts, though it proves it can and has been done where there is the numbers, plus rabbits that are green to the lamp are a lot different quarry to an educated rabbit so cant see how you can work out how long it takes to catch a certain number when you dont know if the rabbits where educated or not. Quote Link to post
wild rover 548 Posted January 7, 2009 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2009 I think the point Whin is trying to make is why would you want to kill 100 rabbits unless you've got a game dealer or someone who will take the excess bunnies off you. As some have admitted on this thread it's more off an ego thing to do the ton and when it becomes killing for killings sake its time to pack it in. I have been close to the ton myself a few times last season one night I was only 96 shy of the magic number....maybe the next time....and yes I think it could be done in the right place with the right conditions. good score that mate 1 or 2 dogs Ha ha nice one. Quote Link to post
whin 463 Posted January 8, 2009 Report Share Posted January 8, 2009 leeview doing pest control on rabbits if your getting paid by hour or price per area , well its a good incentive and well thats all and fine m o d land goverment land , but realy most farmers, i stay on one, who let there ground get like that are cheap skates and well youll not get much money out of them ,had good contracts on golfcourses as eastlothain etc have maybe thirty odds and you got paid monthly,butt time is money made more building renovaiting property as my trade is a carpenter ,etc , etc so gave them to fellow pesters , and realy once you catch big numbers for a while the exitment is never the same unless a paid contract , i could go tonite take a few guys take the dogs kill if the weather [bANNED TEXT] as many as we can get sell them , maybe 50 p 75 p if im lucky spit it up deisel if youre useing clean stuff not alot of money betwen three ,been there go the tee shirt best rabbit nites and days is a posh garden as i had a big yelow pages advert charge pound call out and 40 pound for return visits once in a while or qaurtely , now to me thats clever , i only need to go 1 hour in any direction and there some places alive but well out the way , this is fech al to do with a hundred but localy got enough rabbit land and any more ,ille ask them to lamp and catch bio products ahah but true , ive treid jkilling big numbers for pay not enough rabbs and the price sickend me per hour or monthly some for me mate ,50 p to75 p a rabb , out in all weather nope better ways to make aliving alll [bANNED TEXT] for a hobby but yto kill lots you have to have good outlets cheers Quote Link to post
Guest SJM Posted January 8, 2009 Report Share Posted January 8, 2009 You dont necessarily need to have a buyer for big bags, most genuine dog people that I know are not interested in making money just running and testing their dogs. The catch is divided up between the people running the dogs and any friends etc who want some. Its frozen and fed to the dogs, thereby meaning your dogs are earning their own keep, less dogfood to be bought. Well thats how we do it anyway Quote Link to post
whin 463 Posted January 8, 2009 Report Share Posted January 8, 2009 got sickend killing big bags of rabbs years ago e ,unles getting paid only do it to suit my needs or other people who want a few , in fact i dont no any body who feeds there dogs lots of rabbs mines are on beef cheecks veg and good qaulity dreid ,rabbs are to wormy at times , and well a rabb is a rabb once youve killed lots no big deal the way i look at thing farmers ask me to kill rabbs , so i take my pups out or when the grounds to hard for at nite or early morning to course, the farmers are got money localy thousand acre or more, farms ,so if they ask me to do it ilel oblige but im looking for what else i can chase plus its good to have written permiss , ive saw how much they get out of an acre of land ton wise barley ive saw how much damage a rabbit does so why not make money out your hobbies ,im not a puppy peddlar hardly breed a litter so make your hobbies work for you ,like the boat lobsters and takeing the odd fishing parties, out ,pays for there keep and good to get a return, before the european laws changed about selling dogged game perfect, if you live were the game is and been at it you look at things diffrently at times ,like a guy who has worked the north sea a trawlerman ui dont think youl see him at the end of a harbour fishing on his days of nope ,diversfy whenalot of butchers stopped takeing game beacause they neede a stamp whe had to skin them ,now i get veni sausages burgers made and well there always outlets and freinds to barter diffrent way of life Quote Link to post
Guest SJM Posted January 8, 2009 Report Share Posted January 8, 2009 Well verybody I know who works their dogs uses the rabbits they get for dogfood. Yes the dogs get worms but then they can get them just the same from eating sheep shite, and theres Drontal, I just do mine every 4 months due to their diet being predominantly raw. The enjoyment my dogs get out of eating fresh carcass is a hundredfold to what they get from dry biscuit meal or complete dog food. I dont know anyone who sells their catch apart from a guy I used to hunt with years ago, he used to have the contract for Glasgow Zoo me and him used to do a lot of ferreting/lamping and shooting from a jeep at night to get enough rabbits for the tigers etc, and If Im honest allthough the times we were out with the dogs were good craic, some of the lamping got tiresome, you would be popping bunny after bunny with the .22 and get sick of shooting them and running out to pick them up, but it had to be done in order for him to get enough to make sure his employers were kept happy. I always think when money comes into something, a certain element of the "fun" of your sport can vanish. But each to their own. Ive skip-read enough of your posts to know money is a big motivating factor in your hunting activities. We'll agree to differ Quote Link to post
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