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Otter road kill

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Hi Mate,were about did you find the otter,As for Law and other things,

just found this


If you find a dead otter, please contact Cheshire Wildlife Trust immediately on 01948 820728.

Join Cheshire Mammal Group. More information can be found at www.consult-eco.ndirect.co.uk/lrc/mamg.htm

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try google - otters and the law road kills and the law few interesting bits in thr but no direct answer to your question.. .. as far as i can see try taxerdermist in google aswell sure one of them would know

Edited by the_stig
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Ive done a few road kill protected species, I always ring the police first and tell them where it is, then you need to write down exactly where you found it.

The taxidermist will also need the location of where it was found.


Thats what ive been doing and all parties were more than happy with it (police,taxidermist,me)! Hope this helps :thumbs:


Just to add, ive found more road kill otters this year than any other, 5 in total...............but this area is very well populated.

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I always ring the police first and tell them where it is, then you need to write down exactly where you found it.

The taxidermist will also need the location of where it was found.


That's all you need to do ;)


You are not obliged to contact the Environment Agency or any Otter group - they will just come and take it away from you



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Whats up SJ, Turkey finished already?


;) mild turkey curry, fancied something 'otter.... :icon_redface:


if you had seen me at the side of the road... :icon_redface: omg.. imagine I had got caught by the busies... :icon_redface: dodging cars doing a bit, to pick up a roadkill, sorry officer I had a new book for chrimbo 'knock it over, cook, it eat it...'


people were giving me funny looks :blink:

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