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CZ American and Varmint models

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I been looking at these two rifles and cant seem to make my mind up, so...down to you guys, could you tell the pros and cons of any of the two it would be much apreiciated. oh and if any of you have either could you tell me what they are like? many thanks guys and girls.

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Most of mine will be walking with lil bit now and then from the back of the 4x4. Which is cheaper in the case they are pretty damn close. i got given a quote for £370 for the cheaper one of the two (cant remember which) does this sound dear??

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to be honest it it prob will not make much differance they will both just as good but heres apoint to think about the cz american does not have a ajustable trigger and is like pulling a brick with out the eric brooks trigger kit so if youron abuget the kit plus a gunsmith fitting it if you cannot will be about aprox sixty sheets this could be spent or added to a good scope etc

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None of the cz 452s have an adjustable trigger, the 453 has a set trigger. You can buy a trigger kit from SYSS, ebay or eric brookes, try the trigger first though you maybe surprised, mines ok. If i was buying a new cz i would go for the style with a "16 barrel.

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None of the cz 452s have an adjustable trigger, the 453 has a set trigger. You can buy a trigger kit from SYSS, ebay or eric brookes, try the trigger first though you maybe surprised, mines ok. If i was buying a new cz i would go for the style with a "16 barrel.


Forgot to say the kit is about £12 and easy to fit.

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Most of mine will be walking with lil bit now and then from the back of the 4x4. Which is cheaper in the case they are pretty damn close. i got given a quote for £370 for the cheaper one of the two (cant remember which) does this sound dear??


i got my CZ452 Varmint HMR - long/heavy barrel from ESS - Essex Shooting Supplies in Colchester, Essex for £280 Fab little place (got all you'll need)


If your interested i'll give you the number and address and put a word in for you.


The 16'' barrel will cost more, so if £370 is the price for the cheaper of the two - ££££'s!!!


All the best mate



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Cheers mate if you could, it wont be for a few months while i get money sorted and the paperwork butr much apprieated.

i always had the idea of doin bit of traveling becuase i think my local is a pretty bad rip of merchant and to be honest the only reason i use him is the next closest is Essex guns which is still few mile away but damn sight cheaper.

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Cheers mate if you could, it wont be for a few months while i get money sorted and the paperwork butr much apprieated.

i always had the idea of doin bit of traveling becuase i think my local is a pretty bad rip of merchant and to be honest the only reason i use him is the next closest is Essex guns which is still few mile away but damn sight cheaper.


ESS - Essex Shooting Supplies Ltd.

Address: Cantields Farm. Easthorpe Kelevenden . Colchester. Essex. CO5 9HH. Phone: 01206 330324


It looks like a farm yard from the outside, NO signs or any kind of shop front, you even have to enter the shop through the house's front door!!


But they do have everything you will ever need to start off with - good prices too.


All the best

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