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Out again today

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Well all was out again today,was invited over to the east coast for a days digging the first earth we do looked like a real handy one but turned out to be an awkward one it was about 5 foot or so and very tight spot and the dog was finding it hard to get up to his quarry but once we cleaned it up for him it turned out that he was closer to it then we thaught so job well do and on to the next one.We droped my black dog into an earth that the lads never dug before it was'ent a bad place but ran to 5 or 6 foot we got a mark at around 5 foot and started to drop down when we broke through the dog was only holding in the tub and got away from us so we had to start another dig whitch was a bit of a pain but anyways on we must the next dig was a c**t the ground was like iron but some time later we broke through and he hold at the stop end job done and that was it for the day..


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