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GPS tracking a fox

Guest ragumup

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  Big bald beautiful said:
yes, catching one and releasing it back must be?

unless your the rspca


true true ... is there not a book out were someone did it?? dug it, collared it , released it ??? it even went back into the same earth with in a week

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yes ali its called running with the fox by david macdonald.

very good book very in depth about foxes and how they live and what they get up to, he proved that a fox that was dug out of an earth still use the same earth at a later date and also earths they liked and earths they didn't, well worth a read for those interested in fox behavior ;)

Edited by teckel
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Guest JohnGalway

There's a research farm not too farm from me, they put tracking devices on some sheep. To find out about grazing preferences etc. Anyway they'd it all recorded and put it up on a projector screen during the open day. Was pretty interesting, have to say I'd the same thoughts about foxes after seeing it. Good to know a bit more about them.

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Well, many many years ago, during the 1970's, some lads i know actually tagged them with sheep tags in their ears. They used to bring all the charlies home and release them local you see. Strangely they never had any recaptures of those tagged foxes. Whether the foxes got the tags out, i dont know, but they never saw them again.........make of that what you will....

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Guest JohnGalway

They may have been able to scratch them out depending on type? I know the first sheep tags I used were small narrow ones, I didn't rate them one bit. If the hole got enlarged for any reason the tag would just tumble out. New ones are better as they're flared and have a plastic circle almost like a built in washer either side of the join, not lost one of them yet and been using them a few years. Could be possible the tagged foxes developed infections? If the tags weren't disinfected.


The projection we saw on the tracked sheep showed one that broke down from the hill into the farm proper, she spent three weeks walking back and forth along a fence looking for a hole, determined or what. Memory may be going but I think the units they used were quite expensive, almost a thousand Euros apiece.

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