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dog as a dinner

Guest w.m.avian

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I think its not a good idea to tell other cultures their rong but I do struggle with eating dogs. Watched a program a while back on the illegal fur trade and part of it was in China and they had dogs stuffed up in cages so they couldn't move, piled high on a truck and they just kicked the cages off. A bit later they skinned a dog alive due to the fact the fur was supposed to be better. It was all very disturbing. I belive in preserving cultures but I also belive in progression of respect for the better of all living things. I have spent a bit of time in Bali and to see how they treat dogs out there is harsh, they beat them and alsorts, there is a very good charity out there called 'Sick Puppy' that goes from village to village to encourage the locals to look after the dogs rather than abuse them, they also get local vets to spade them for free to help keep the population under control. I don't see it as interfering just education.

Such a touchy subject in the western world, I definitely struggle with it.


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I think its not a good idea to tell other cultures their rong but I do struggle with eating dogs. Watched a program a while back on the illegal fur trade and part of it was in China and they had dogs stuffed up in cages so they couldn't move, piled high on a truck and they just kicked the cages off. A bit later they skinned a dog alive due to the fact the fur was supposed to be better. It was all very disturbing. I belive in preserving cultures but I also belive in progression of respect for the better of all living things. I have spent a bit of time in Bali and to see how they treat dogs out there is harsh, they beat them and alsorts, there is a very good charity out there called 'Sick Puppy' that goes from village to village to encourage the locals to look after the dogs rather than abuse them, they also get local vets to spade them for free to help keep the population under control. I don't see it as interfering just education.

Such a touchy subject in the western world, I definitely struggle with it.



I saw that on telly, also watched the video on youtube and was physically sick :sick: skinning an animal alive is as in-humane as it gets, no need for it, i'm fine with different cultures eating different meats but it is the way that animals are treated before thier deaths that upsets me, eat dog by all means BUT treat it with a bit of respect.

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Guest w.m.avian

I saw that on telly, also watched the video on youtube and was physically sick :sick: skinning an animal alive is as in-humane as it gets, no need for it, i'm fine with different cultures eating different meats but it is the way that animals are treated before thier deaths that upsets me, eat dog by all means BUT treat it with a bit of respect.



i do agree on that

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Strong tasting mate,depends upon how its cooked,orientals always add chillies and sauces :)


I have eaten fox.Casseroled was ok , cut small and fried was actually much better. It sounds pretty similar to the above. Sort of strong liver/pigeon/hare sort of taste. I only did it because I'd read that fox remains along with those of red deer appeared in large numbers in the middens of our ancestors and were ,from the evidence ,very important parts of their diet.

Seems dog was a very special dish to the American tribes.Read about the custom of some tribes of killing and serving-up their very best dogs to honour a special guest and then crying and lamenting the loss of the favourite animal throughout the meal.

Puppies are supposed to be very acceptable fare.


Forget the dogs though.


Foxes .If we could start a trend in this country for eating them as our ancestors did it would go a long way to controlling the population.

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I dont agree with it, much as I dont agree with eating horses. I think that horses and dogs are kind of loyal to man and help us with jobs that have to be done. Cows have always been bred for meat and so on. But horses were always a method of transport and dogs were for hunting etc. I dont think they should stop and as long as I dont have to have anything to do with it, it aint a big deal. And even if we did want it to stop, the countries which it happens in wouldnt do it as its there culture and they are that kind of people. (I take it alot of people saw the skin it wear it thing on telly with all the chinks being cruel and skinning animals alive!)


yer i saw that about them chinks skinning animals alive it made me feel sick i had to turn the channel over that is just so wrong in my eyes

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I dont agree with it, much as I dont agree with eating horses. I think that horses and dogs are kind of loyal to man and help us with jobs that have to be done. Cows have always been bred for meat and so on. But horses were always a method of transport and dogs were for hunting etc. I dont think they should stop and as long as I dont have to have anything to do with it, it aint a big deal. And even if we did want it to stop, the countries which it happens in wouldnt do it as its there culture and they are that kind of people. (I take it alot of people saw the skin it wear it thing on telly with all the chinks being cruel and skinning animals alive!)



Respect the fact that you don't like the idea of eating dogs or horses but the truth is that most evidence indicates that both horses and dogs were at first hunted for food and even when domesticated were regarded as meat on the hoof as well as for their ability to drag or carry loads .

It is only our very strange bi-polar British sensitivities that reject the killing of certain animals for food yet has seen horses slaughtered en mass in the name of warfare as something quite glorious.

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Koreans boil cats alive,its purportedly a health tonic for old ladies taken as a soup,though I think the bladder and bowels would evacuate and make the decoction an aquired taste :sick:

and youve got a flask full of the tonic at the side of your bed for your lady friends :D WAFT ;)

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