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First Application

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im was just going to apply for my shotgun certificate but after reading the above forum posts about apply for such a certificate and that its cheaper to apply for both shotgun and FAC i think i might do both. As i would like both.


But i have a few queries???


Can i put a gun cabinet in my garage?


What 12g under and over would you recommend for a beginner? (Not too expensive)


What rifle would recommend for beginner? Ground game/ Fox


any other tips to help me through my first apllication would be great.


kind regards

Edited by moocherboi
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Cabinet in the garage. I would say no for a few reasons.


A ) Getting your FEO to approve it is difficult in most circumstances.


B ) And your guns condition in a cold and wet garage.


Depends on your budget for both the guns you list. But you are highly unlikely to have a .22 granted for Fox. Vermin only in the vast majority of cases.


If I had to choose two beginners guns.


.22= A CZ 452.


12g= Any mid range gun :yes:

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May i ask why is a .223 easier than a .22 and also what make and model you recommend for a beginner?


i see you leave alot of post and help people with advise on such topics, i am very greatful for your help


kind regards

Me? lots of posts? you sure? :laugh:




A .22 will be very easy to get on first grant, no problem. It's a rimfire as I'm sure you know, and with Subsonic ammunition and a Moderator, it has near silent ability and is a great Rabbiting tool.


A .223 is a centrefire. And If you want a multipurpose fox round which can also be used cheaply enough to headshoot Rabbits, then this is it.


But my advice as always, is if you can afford it, have a .22 and a .223


SS :thumbs:

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