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airarms s510

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Must admit have Only seen one todate on the Circuit


Looked OK and Shooter seemed happy with it


@ Lea Valley Variants of the HW 100 seem to be the current Favorite ;)


With 50 - 100 Shooters going through the Ranges on the Average Saturday ;)



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ooh i havent seen them yet i bought an air arms s410 carbine back this time last year good acurate gun nice and lightweight :D:hunter::hunter::gunsmilie:



i looked at the s510 while thinking about getting a s410 now i cant make me mind up between the two.



has any one got one yet or heard any reports on them.

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I was in a few different gun shops yesterday and asked in both about how the S510 differs from the S410, and as i expected they are pretty much the same just the cocking mechanism beeing the main difference. I think with the hw100, everyone seemed to go mad for it and loved the side lever instead of the more conventional bolt so Air Arms were just catering for the 'side lever/hw100' market with the S510.


My personal opinion is i bloody love it, but having never actually used one im not rushing to get rid of my S410.

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