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dog has minced my fingers

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Well I take my dog stich out a couple of times a day and get him jumping because I have only had him a couple of months and he had nothing done with him. Since getting him he has taken a few rabbits on every outing but he needed confidence in his jumping he wines at obsticles before he jumps them well today he was jumping well and I have been seeing big improvments in him but today he jumped a fence and when landing managed to get his leg cought up in the sheep fencing and was hanging by his leg for a split second as I grabbed him straight away the problem was he grabbed me straight away and has minced three of my fingers I have bandaged them and stich is a little lame but is fine thank god but that will be me and him not going out with lamp for a couple of nights but frost is back and ground is rock hard again so wont matter having a couple of days rest just hope this wont set his jumping back to long and knock his confidence even more what a bummer. :angry:

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Mine had no confidence when I first started her jumping, it took me ages to get her going. Just when things were looking up she caught her back leg in some loose wire on the top of a fence. Thankfully when I shouted STOP she kept perfectly still till I sorted her out. Straight away I took her to a very low obstacle and got hop over, then took her home and no jumping for about a week. After that most of her jumping took place in the garden, over a piece of wood that I just kept raising up. She's 13 months now, and jumps everything very well, on command.


Isn't it a bitch when you've to go back and start again? :(

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Well I take my dog stich out a couple of times a day and get him jumping because I have only had him a couple of months and he had nothing done with him. Since getting him he has taken a few rabbits on every outing but he needed confidence in his jumping he wines at obsticles before he jumps them well today he was jumping well and I have been seeing big improvments in him but today he jumped a fence and when landing managed to get his leg cought up in the sheep fencing and was hanging by his leg for a split second as I grabbed him straight away the problem was he grabbed me straight away and has minced three of my fingers I have bandaged them and stich is a little lame but is fine thank god but that will be me and him not going out with lamp for a couple of nights but frost is back and ground is rock hard again so wont matter having a couple of days rest just hope this wont set his jumping back to long and knock his confidence even more what a bummer. :angry:


Yea seen this before mate, the dog thinks you are inflicting the pain and just bite. Keep the fingers clean ha. Good luck

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My terrier got caught up in some electric fencing that was hanging on the ground at the other side of a gate post she was chained up to,when i realised what had happened i flew over to try to detangle her but she kept running round my legs so i had a metal chain with tangled elec fencing wrapped round my legs and a terrier that was biting everything in sight!!!!!!!!THAT HURT!!!

Moral of the story...always check where you are tyeing your dogs up :icon_redface:

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I got about eight diferent bites on my hand, f ;) ingers are like ballons and nails are black with no feelings in fingers I have to keep getting poison out of them and disinfecting them but stich isnt limping as bad today so at least he's ok thats the main thing


I got bit once pretty badly, by my EBT boy, its how we found out he had rage, there were three people there, me my dad and my dads best friend, there are all bigger then me, but no it had to be the 17 year old girl who got the bully off the bitch, and then get the dog off my hand while they looked there gob smacked, and then it was me who had to check the dogs over for any cuts and injuries before sorting myself out, and then clean up my blood from the laminated floor lovely huh, but I almost ended up losing my arm, because he had exposed quite a few tendons, and I was cleaning it myself but a infection had started tracking up my tendons, and by the time I got to the doctors I was rushed straight to hospital, as I was doing it myself for 3 days, and when I got to hospital they put me in for a emergency op, they said that if they infection had gone a cm further up my arm then they would of had to amputate to the elbow, but the dog had also gone through one off nails, right at the middle, bloody dog, I like my nails long and pretty and painted :), but now one of my hands are :censored: up because of the scars haven't gone down yet, after 6 months, and I'm told that at the least it will be two years before they settle, I also have a scar as the surgeons put iodine in the inside of my hand and finger, and at the bottom of my hand there is a scar, where they cut along it and put a baby feeding tube, and every 8 hours 100ml's of local anasatic went into my hand, but I soon told them where to go with that, as it hurt more for that to go in then it did without it, but it did hurt when they took it out, and you could see it being pulled and tell when it ended so how far it had left to come out.

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bloody hell that sounds hellish mine seem to be healing well now so think ive been lucky this time I was bit by an APBT a few year back that was a mess still have scars and a knackered wrist but its all in the name of fun.


It is, I think that most if not all people have been bite by their own dog somewhere down the line, whether intentional on the dogs part, or accidental, I for one though can't wait to get another EBT and I would also love another brindle boy, but there you go, I'm the sort of person who is so stubborn that I have to prove that I won't be beaten by something, although I have given up with owning pure bred GSD's as we had a couple of crap ones, when I was 5 I was playing in the garden with my Deerhound, when our mental GSD male jumped through the patio doors and started fighting the Deerhound, as he was mega possessive and wouldn't allow any animal or person near any of us family, and then their was the bitch with pups who we got after saving her from being PTS, and then she and the litter was stolen when they reached 6 weeks, and then our third I was walking him last year, when he just flipped and tried to kill another dog, oh and there was the time when I was up the track when I was about 8, when some Gypsy set their home trained Schtzhund GSD on me and my mates, so needless to say that's enough of them type of dogs, I love them but wouldn't want my own one, but I would love a APBT, the closest that I got was almost taking a Irish Staffordshire ;) home from a rescue that I worked at, but you could give me any bull terrier breed any day of the week and I would happily take it home :)

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