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Just joined the forum thought i would introduce myself.

I've been into field sports since before I left school. I shoot reguarly I currently own one Beardie Collie Lurcher, one patterdale dog, one plummer bitch terrier and four ferrets.

I enjoy lamping reguarly with lurcher and rifle and ferreting.

Terrier work is my real passion, I lost my patterdale bitch last year and decided to go for a plummer bitch to replace her she's not a year old yet so the jurys still out on her yet. My patterdale dog is five years old now and has nothing to prove I would not be without him for the world but like most patterdales he has no reverce gear so I decided to go for the plummer in the hope that she may turn into a more stand of baying type of terrier, time will tell.

I would be interested to here the opinions from any other plummer terrier owners who work theirs to ground reguarly.



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Hiya mate, my terrier is a joiner, he did try his hand at plumbing, but couldnt handle it.... good luck, and lets see some pics of your dogs..


Yea I thought being a Plummer she'd be good in the pipes, I'll put some pics on soon.

Thanks all for the welcome.

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Hiya mate, my terrier is a joiner, he did try his hand at plumbing, but couldnt handle it.... good luck, and lets see some pics of your dogs..

I’ve been trying to post some pics but seem to be struggling it keeps coming up as file too big, has anyone got any ideas?


Had a days ferreting yesterday fourteen rabbits in the bag all shot, nets and lurchers out the question unfortunately as the farm is a fortress of brambles.


We had over 80 rabbits from the same farm last season but this year we will be struggling to get half this number as most of the sets appeared unused.


Did find what looked like a well used fox earth I’ll be checking it out with the terrier in the next couple of weeks I’ll let you know how we fair.


I’ve been reading the post about the best bushing terriers with some amusement, mine are great at bushing but if they find half an excuse to go to ground their straight in nightmare, to use multiple terriers in this way you really have to know the ground your hunting even then it is very problematic as I found out to my cost.

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