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info on mk3m

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hello i need abit of help with my mk3m i went out ferreting with it the other day and i used the search then locate but when i came to locate it give me a wrong reading saying that i had to dig 5 foot but i broke throught at 2 foot so i tested it more and the reedings are allwrong could anyone help please


thanks lurcher

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i dunt like em at all :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: get a mk 1 :clapper::clapper:

i just started using them in the last month , i found most of the time they are accurate , but occasionally they can give a reading of say 4ft when you dig down its nearer 3 ft , you got to get used to the pitches of noise aswell as the lights and reading , i like em

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not trying to tell you how to suck eggs, but did you make sure that the collar was under its neck & not to the side as sometimes they can move round, this would give a wrong reading...



whilst out today, my hob came up & i noticed that the collar had slipped round to the side...

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I find that my locater isn t as accurate, it reads about a foot over. Never had to dig any out yet though I just like to keep an eye on them to see where they are after they haven t surfaced for a while. I wouldn t be without mine it s agod send.



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There seems to be so much hassel about the mk3 and people not being able to use it. It really isnt that hard if you actually sit down and learn to use it. The depth on it can be abit hit and miss but so is the mk1, I think this is down to soil types etc??

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I find that my locater isn t as accurate, it reads about a foot over. Never had to dig any out yet though I just like to keep an eye on them to see where they are after they haven t surfaced for a while. I wouldn t be without mine it s agod send.





how do you know its reading a foot over if you've never had to dig?

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You know when you first get it it tells you to put collar on floor and try the locator and it shows the depth it s at from the locator and it showed on the scale 2ft when it wasn t that high above thew collar.

It does say it only guide though.



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not trying to tell you how to suck eggs, but did you make sure that the collar was under its neck & not to the side as sometimes they can move round, this would give a wrong reading...



whilst out today, my hob came up & i noticed that the collar had slipped round to the side...

never had to suck an egg :o but how much difference does the depth vary by the collar being to the side rather underneath? an inch perhaps?

Y.I.S Leeview

ps glad I stuck with the MK1's

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not trying to tell you how to suck eggs, but did you make sure that the collar was under its neck & not to the side as sometimes they can move round, this would give a wrong reading...



whilst out today, my hob came up & i noticed that the collar had slipped round to the side...

never had to suck an egg :o but how much difference does the depth vary by the collar being to the side rather underneath? an inch perhaps?

Y.I.S Leeview

ps glad I stuck with the MK1's


No it's a lot more than that because the signal is directional - i.e. it is not circular. If the collar is on it's edge the reading will be significantly more than the distance. You need to be at 90 degrees to get the perfect reading - i.e. right above it.

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not trying to tell you how to suck eggs, but did you make sure that the collar was under its neck & not to the side as sometimes they can move round, this would give a wrong reading...



whilst out today, my hob came up & i noticed that the collar had slipped round to the side...

never had to suck an egg :o but how much difference does the depth vary by the collar being to the side rather underneath? an inch perhaps?

Y.I.S Leeview

ps glad I stuck with the MK1's


No it's a lot more than that because the signal is directional - i.e. it is not circular. If the collar is on it's edge the reading will be significantly more than the distance. You need to be at 90 degrees to get the perfect reading - i.e. right above it.


Every Mk 3 I've come across has over estimated the depth of dig but once you realise that an indicated 2foot dig is more likely to be 18 inches or a foot there is no problem as long as you don't get to excited with the spade and hit the ferret when you break through.


As for the collar being only truly accurate (or as accurate as it's design limitations allow) when hanging directly below the ferrets neck..Its true ,the most accurate readings will only be transmitted with the collar in this position. The trouble is that no one except maybe the Deben test team has access to ferrets that hunt like stiff-necked zombies . Most freds will shake their heads about ,twist,turn ,roll and wrestle in an effort to bolt or subdue their prey.


Hence at the shallower depths the indications on the hand-set tend to jiggle about a fair bit. Again,once you become familiar with the tool and learn to allow for it's idiosyncracies you will hopefully come to realise that its general usefullness outweighs its design faults. Using the volume sensitivity knob is often a far less stressfull and confusing way of coming to terms with a missing ferret once the initial contact has been made using the "Search" mode.

Edited by comanche
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