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I have a 10z. It is heavy but very very very ice to set as no tangling at all. 12z would be far to thick for me and 4z is a budget option. Alot of old time netters i know though, swear by the 4z as they say its lighter, and catches rabbits easily and cheap at the same time. But these netters are very very experienced and probably never tangle nets.

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I have a 10z. It is heavy but very very very ice to set as no tangling at all. 12z would be far to thick for me and 4z is a budget option. Alot of old time netters i know though, swear by the 4z as they say its lighter, and catches rabbits easily and cheap at the same time. But these netters are very very experienced and probably never tangle nets.


How is the 10Z like when the rabbits hit it ?

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I have never lost a rabbit out of it mate. Havent had it for long though :icon_redface: but we have probably had well over 80 rabbits hit and not bounce off. Quite heave though. I wouldnt want 100 yards of it


I dont mid carrying it, not sure wether to buy a 100yd 4Z or 6Z or 10Z lol

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A lot of it depends on where you are going to use the net, I have nets made out of 4z, 6z and 10z also hand made spun nylon and hand made hemp, and I use them all if I have a big job on, and they all catch with varying degrees of success,

Although my net of choice would have to be Hand Made.

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4z for my longnets everytime, but of late been using stop nets more and more and for these I used some twine that I have had lying around for a long time very fine but really strong, its actually very much like the thread that used to be used on cricket bat handles and that works a treat its that fine I have put a luminous pink selvedge on the top to enable myself to see it :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

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