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Ferret finder mk3?

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I got a mk3 (used) for xmas and i have absolutly no idea how it works. When I switch it on and put it on 'search' it makes alot of noise and lights up at '16+' and the dial thingy is in the middle. I googled it and nothing usefulcame up. Can someone please tell me how it works?

Thanks and merry christmas



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Basically you get as closets finding to the collar as you can and then turn the wheel until you cannot hear the beeping and then get closer by slowly move left-right forward-backward until the beeping come back and do the same, turn the wheel until you cannot hear it and wave it back and for, left and right until you can find the smallest surface ares, that why its called a "pin pointer" lol hope this helps


Try practicing buy chucking the collar under the settee and get as close as you can to it, worked for me :thumbs:

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put the side switch onto search, the nearer you get to the collar, the noise will get louder " but you can turn it down " & the lights move down towards number 4, when you get to 4, move the side switch up to locate & use it in the same way, then when you get closer the lights will light up towards the 0.5 light..


couldnt be simplier..

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Ah but when I switch it to locate it like its switched off and doesnt do anything nat all. It did at first but it may be the batteries in the collar as i didnt get a new one like i did the receiver. Also when I get closer the noise disappears rather than get louder. (probabaly due to the batteries too though)



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from your first post where you say it makes a lot of noise and lights up at 16 ft that sounds like the collar batteries are in the wrong way round .


I swaped them round and it makes a noise when its closer now :thumbs: but the locate function still doesnt work. but im sure thats only really needed if u want an exact location. (rough does it fine for me lol) i'll change the batteries when i can find where to get them lol.




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from your first post where you say it makes a lot of noise and lights up at 16 ft that sounds like the collar batteries are in the wrong way round .


I swaped them round and it makes a noise when its closer now :thumbs: but the locate function still doesnt work. but im sure thats only really needed if u want an exact location. (rough does it fine for me lol) i'll change the batteries when i can find where to get them lol.






jordan, thats the whole idea of using the locator, you have to know the exact depth & positioning otherwise its not worth a w@nk... theres no point knowing roughly where they are, so what your saying is your unit will only go down to a 4ft mark...



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very good point actually and i actually had both the batteries in the same way not like above. I'll still have to change the collar batteries to be safe but i found a new one for the box, but it works alot better now thanks folks i'll have to test it tommorrow and see how it goes.





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from your first post where you say it makes a lot of noise and lights up at 16 ft that sounds like the collar batteries are in the wrong way round .



on the mk3 collars, if the batteries are fitted correctly, the top will slide back on perfect, if they are the wrong way round, they will not sit correctly, and the top is a bugger to slide on, thus telling you, you have it wrong

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my pin pointer knob is broken(little sister got her hands on it) so now i cant get an exact location on the damn thing :cry::cry: anyone know where i could get it fixed??!!



you dont have to rely on the noise to get an exact location, use the LED`S as a visible reading...

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