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giving your lurcher a smack.

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i wud keep bull wheatan derhound xs and wudnt think twice of hittn them a slap

only if it is appropiate like chasn a sheep witch wud only happen the once [bANNED TEXT] there young

plus there not a nervous type like a salukix so they know [bANNED TEXT] not 2 chase

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Never hit your dog with your hands,

It will become scared of your hand and wont like giving you things to hand,

Use a walking cane and alittle tap should do ,

Then it will dislike the cane an not you




Spot on, i carry a stick and only hit once, and it never forgets so it done the job. And i have never

had to hit it again. ;)

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I take my lurcher out everywhere with me doing all aspects of hunting. i was out decoying pigeon at the end of the day i ,let the lurcher retrieve the layed pigeons back to me. the first one he ran off with i followed him for 500yards or so and he continued to run and eat the bird. i eventually got to him and gave him a good thrashing with his leed (harsh i know) he walked to heel back to the hide and retrieved 25 birds one after the other staright to me i now have no bother with him doing this.


Punishment is required in a ballance and at the right times after all the owner is the pack leader and a dog will challange this if alloud

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my terriers need a slap ever so often, dont really have to do it much anymore because i just have to say there names and rase my hand and they know if they dont stop what they are doing they will get a slap


the lurcher is well behaved but i think all dogs need to respect that you are the top dog as in wolf society the alpha male would attack any wolf that stepped out of line so its only natural

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been working with my lurcher now for a couple of months, and she is a stuborn young cow at times, the word no shouted as loud as possible only deters her for all of two seconds, there is times where i could give her a good slap and reinforce it with a loud no, is this gona do drastic actions.


Just want her to be good, dont mind a bit of bad stuff but some things she has to learn.

You dont say how she is bred,that would give you insight in to how she's thinking.

Also it would help you to deal with it,you can not disciplin a terrier bred lurcher,the same as a whippet lurcher.Whatever the crack she's not listening,please tell me how she is bred?

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been working with my lurcher now for a couple of months, and she is a stuborn young cow at times, the word no shouted as loud as possible only deters her for all of two seconds, there is times where i could give her a good slap and reinforce it with a loud no, is this gona do drastic actions.


Just want her to be good, dont mind a bit of bad stuff but some things she has to learn.

You dont say how she is bred,that would give you insight in to how she's thinking.

Also it would help you to deal with it,you can not disciplin a terrier bred lurcher,the same as a whippet lurcher.Whatever the crack she's not listening,please tell me how she is bred?


She is a bedy whippet x collie grey.


thing is i watch her and when she is about to do something wrong she knows it is wrong because i can tell wih her body language, but she dose it anyways and waits for the big no.

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When out with the bull x a more tolerant breed, i wil only hit the dog when i and he knows he is in the wrong after every slap he never makes the same mistake twice and is a better dog for it. Wouldnt hit anohter breed as hard due to the face its a big bull x.



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just general chewing shoes, even though i offer her something else and praise her when she chews that, but turn your back and she is back in the shoe rack. taking rubish from the bin, even sussed how to open the flip top bins. just general stuff, all her other training like sit recall, retrieve etc are realy good.


haha mate do we have the same dogg....mine duzent chew shoes thoe just table legs lol and the kettle and has a thing for silver spoons

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give it a good kicking with steel toe caps on. fear lasts longer than respect.


on a serious note the things you state your pup is doing is not beeing bad just beeing a pup. which is the reason why i and alot off other people prefere to keep dogs out side. punishing a dog for being a pup is only going harm the bond wearhas a dog in a kennel appreciates you more while your there and is only repromanded for more seriouise matters like showing to much interest in stock. a pup chewing is nothing out the norm if its not to be chewed move it out off reach.

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