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All i ask of my dogs is "start catching something ye fuckers" :clapper::icon_redface:


I just got into the dogs about 7 years back so i know very little,on top of that i had a break for about 2 years due to unforseen personal circumstances :blink:


Anyway,im back this season and im trying to get back up to speed,having lots of problems but we're getting there :D


Ive been out most nights the past 2 weeks but to be fair theres not much game local (council estate poacher lol)


Tonight though im off into the hills,bit risky,but ive got to start putting some easier catches in front of my 3 year old dog,hes from good lines and ive done nowt with him really,hes going to waste. Im not having that no more so its time i got off my lazy arse and got him some fun :D


So for now,all im looking for is for the dog to start catching some rabbits and building his confidence a bit more,his retrieve is ok with stuffed things,but still needs working on when hes got something 'good' in his gob :blink::clapper:



Edited by donk
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tell me you say your inexpeorenced what age are you and what do you do hunting wise are you living in the country etc were you see game daily if you no were to walk , cant understand all those people who by lurchers without learning feild craft and looking about for game do people nowadays just by a dog go on computer then hunt ,in my time you served an apprentiship ,feerets rakeing with dogs ,learn the ways of the country side and then get adog when you can do it justice ,


inexperienced with lurchers.


im 29, been living in the country, hunting, ferreting, shooting with both shotty and airgun all my life. i trained as and used to work as a keeper in my late teens and owned and trained my own beating and peg dogs. i have a 21mth bitsa bitch, a young JRTxwhippet and the four ferrets, im out on the lamp most night the weather is any good for it and out with the ferrets every weekend. Unfortunately i have to work in the week though :blink:


As for buying a computer then going hunting, you couldnt be further off the mark ;) i was hunting years before i knew how to turn one on! im sure you dont mean to whin but you can come across as a pompous old sod sometimes. You seem to have been very lucky in your life and, no doubt, have made the most of your opportunities too which is equally important but not everyone has that opportunity. You sound like the real deal with the knowledge to back yourself up but dont forget everyone has to start somewhere, would you rather i never tried and sat behind my pc like some one here? No wonder the hunting community is in such a sorry state :no:


As for serving an apprenticeship, sure, you show me someone local, with the knowledge, who is willing to show me the ropes and i would jump at the chance. Until then i will keep learning as i go :thumbs:

very,very well said. :thumbs:

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I expect a dog to be easy to stock break, be good with other dogs and be quiet in the kennels, then in the field I expect the dog to be a good deer dog, able to be in control of the situation when I get there, I like a dog to be able to take everything but if he's a good deer dog, then I'm happy... :victory:

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hi whin i understand you have a passion for dogs and i have one to im 25 and started with dogs when i was fifteen.when i started i was lucky as one of the local lads took me under his wing he has alot of knowledge

and he taught me pretty much every thing he knew i went out with him for tree year before even getting a dog learning as i went along now 3 dogs along the line i have a wheaten cross bitch shes 20 month old and i think she wil be a very special dog i think she hasto mature i bit more mentally

to excel that bit more in her first season i gave her about 150 rabbits not pushing her and ending the night on a good note always. as in the past ive spoilt dogs bye giving them too much to soon then tried her on roe she hit her first on in the middle of a field as i know people say(my dog caught his first deer its the first one hes seen)but it ran into a fence or a wall.now 5 month later shes had 17shes not a back end dog she has the nack and its all over and done with in seconds as for foxes i wouldnt say shes a fox dog but shes had about 8 now with another dog and hares she has only had about 30 or so but she hasnt been running them long she isnt the best hare dog ive seen but shes good enough.i understand were youre cumming from when you go on about good line ect its hrd to get dogs from good lines round my way.merry xmas






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hi whin i understand you have a passion for dogs and i have one to im 25 and started with dogs when i was fifteen.when i started i was lucky as one of the local lads took me under his wing he has alot of knowledge

and he taught me pretty much every thing he knew i went out with him for tree year before even getting a dog learning as i went along now 3 dogs along the line i have a wheaten cross bitch shes 20 month old and i think she wil be a very special dog i think she hasto mature i bit more mentally

to excel that bit more in her first season i gave her about 150 rabbits not pushing her and ending the night on a good note always. as in the past ive spoilt dogs bye giving them too much to soon then tried her on roe she hit her first on in the middle of a field as i know people say(my dog caught his first deer its the first one hes seen)but it ran into a fence or a wall.now 5 month later shes had 17shes not a back end dog she has the nack and its all over and done with in seconds as for foxes i wouldnt say shes a fox dog but shes had about 8 now with another dog and hares she has only had about 30 or so but she hasnt been running them long she isnt the best hare dog ive seen but shes good enough.i understand were youre cumming from when you go on about good line ect its hrd to get dogs from good lines round my way.merry xmas







Good, honest reply there matey, as long as you're getting the gear with her then that's all you can ask...

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hi whin i understand you have a passion for dogs and i have one to im 25 and started with dogs when i was fifteen.when i started i was lucky as one of the local lads took me under his wing he has alot of knowledge

and he taught me pretty much every thing he knew i went out with him for tree year before even getting a dog learning as i went along now 3 dogs along the line i have a wheaten cross bitch shes 20 month old and i think she wil be a very special dog i think she hasto mature i bit more mentally

to excel that bit more in her first season i gave her about 150 rabbits not pushing her and ending the night on a good note always. as in the past ive spoilt dogs bye giving them too much to soon then tried her on roe she hit her first on in the middle of a field as i know people say(my dog caught his first deer its the first one hes seen)but it ran into a fence or a wall.now 5 month later shes had 17shes not a back end dog she has the nack and its all over and done with in seconds as for foxes i wouldnt say shes a fox dog but shes had about 8 now with another dog and hares she has only had about 30 or so but she hasnt been running them long she isnt the best hare dog ive seen but shes good enough.i understand were youre cumming from when you go on about good line ect its hrd to get dogs from good lines round my way.merry xmas







Good, honest reply there matey, as long as you're getting the gear with her then that's all you can ask...



thanks rh :good:

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when i say inexpieinced its not a bad thing just alot seem to not want to do the learning thing and want ready made things i give people some knowledge but i believe trail and error good to ,i believe nowt comes free in this world mate ,so ill say no more as its cost me a lot to get knowledge all the best with your dog

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when i say inexpieinced its not a bad thing just alot seem to not want to do the learning thing and want ready made things i give people some knowledge but i believe trail and error good to ,i believe nowt comes free in this world mate ,so ill say no more as its cost me a lot to get knowledge all the best with your dog


thanks whin

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when i say inexpieinced its not a bad thing just alot seem to not want to do the learning thing and want ready made things i give people some knowledge but i believe trail and error good to ,i believe nowt comes free in this world mate ,so ill say no more as its cost me a lot to get knowledge all the best with your dog


Thats fair enough mate. i know you've taken people out in the past and its good to see the knowledge getting passed around. its just a shame not everyone gets that chance but that is life. i have no problem with learning, thats what i was trying to say in my first post, and trial and error is my only option for the moment. im not complaining though, Tyla is coming on well enough for now :thumbs:

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well time to open up the eyes of some ,you all go on about good dogs ,has many of youse saw good or great dogs and what do you look for heres some of my likes ,must retreive not be an arse ender on roe deer , send over a feild rake a feild out push a hare up and catch it retreive it back , take the odd fox, send it on a roe and dispatch it when it was legal mark a rabbit hole and catch bolting rabbits ,take feather ,walk as free as a bird on the lamp and no when to go ,not pull like a mad pup, thats what i call a good dog , only had afew who done it with style but thts what i expect of a dog by the time its second season give or take a season for injuries , what do youse genuine type of hunting guys think ,is it to much or anything else or has some of youse never seen good man and dog work together, only seen a handful in my time not all mines , is thta to much for the average man and dog nowadays


What you have mentioned there Whin sounds like the ideal dog. You seem to have worked/bred a few too.

The picture of Luke that was put up recently, he looked a specimen.

The standards you have stated, do you feel they lend themselves to the collie lines you keep? Do you think your Wheaten X could ever be such a dog?

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well time to open up the eyes of some ,you all go on about good dogs ,has many of youse saw good or great dogs and what do you look for heres some of my likes ,must retreive not be an arse ender on roe deer , send over a feild rake a feild out push a hare up and catch it retreive it back , take the odd fox, send it on a roe and dispatch it when it was legal mark a rabbit hole and catch bolting rabbits ,take feather ,walk as free as a bird on the lamp and no when to go ,not pull like a mad pup, thats what i call a good dog , only had afew who done it with style but thts what i expect of a dog by the time its second season give or take a season for injuries , what do youse genuine type of hunting guys think ,is it to much or anything else or has some of youse never seen good man and dog work together, only seen a handful in my time not all mines , is thta to much for the average man and dog nowadays


as far as i am concerned all you are doing is talking about a run of the mill lurcher ... an all round dog should be able to do all this ... its nothing special IF you have the game and land ............

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ye maybe but can they do a two minute course or even 3 mins hunt alll day have .a rest and out again and reproduce the stamp of the dog youre looking for if you find these dogs easy to get your welcomr to let me see them as thye aint as popular now ,or them men who can do them justice

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