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My Male Harris Hawk With Nightshadow


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Haven't been on here much as of late so thought I would let people know what I have been up to.


Well, just over 3 weeks ago, me and my fabulous (with a capital F) mentor, NIGHTSHADOW set off to go and look at a bird. We got in contact with a man who bred Harris' and after conversation, went to have a look. We pulled up at the mans house, a very big posh place with a lovely set up. All his birds were fed on a quality diet of rabbit, quail, pidgeon etc. The man was expecting us so got the MHH out the avairy (the only one he had left from this season), jessed up and sitting on his fist.


First thoughts were, it was a lovely bird. No baiting but was mantaling with his beak open - to be expected! Nightshadow went in for a closer look and asked if the man could show us his feet. He saw a small "blob" on the base of the foot (thinking it may be bumble foot) and was just about ready to say no to me, when he realised it could come off - it was just rabbit fur. Nightshadow then checked the feather condition, some damaged (especially tail) but nothing too serious and to be expected from an eyeass. The bird was then handed over to the mans wife and he took us for a viewing of the parent's - big dark birds. He then showed us all of his other birds - Nightshadow was very interested in the mans big redtails!


Deal was done an we set of back home. We noticed the man had put false alymeri and cable tires on the bird - a big no no for old school Nightshadow. So instead of coming back to mine and getting the bird settled, we went back to Nighshaow's, cast the bird and changed them to proper leather anklets with an eyelet (We have also put a tailmount on him).


For about 2 weeks, I was manning him. Getting him used to people, dogs and ferrets (still needs a bit more work), cars, lorries, going for walks, strange areas, the hood, travelling in the car, me touching his feet/brestbone/crop, playing with his leash/swivel/jesses, getting him used to the presence of me in the mews, getting him to step up on to the fist, the scales etc. I then got him jumping leash lengths, creance in the garden. Then out to the field, more creance work for about a week. Yesterday, I flew him free! I would of done it earlier but I had some trouble with his weight - my digital scales! Found Nightshadow's "old school" scales a lot better and I only learnt how to use them the other day!


Took him out again today for about 2.5 hours, dropped his weight slightly in hope to enter him - nothing! There were rooks, crows, magpies, sea gulls, wood pidgeons, blue tits (!), wood cock etc. everywhere but he couldn't give a f*ck! There are rabbits and phesants there but I didn't see one apart from a russle in the bushes. He was instant to the fist and seeing as he came out the aviary at 1.12 a bit skinny and I have had to drop him to 1.7 to fly and 1.6 and a half to fly, I don't fancy dropping him much more - that will be about 6 ounces! Done some recalls from the trees - ended up doing some long flights, about 500 - 600 foot! He saw a rat, gave a half hearted chase but when it took cover, he went up a tree and returned to me after about 5 seconds.


He's doing well but I want to get him entered asap. Going ferreting tomorrow so will bring him back a warm rabbit, tie a bit of string to it and take him out with that - see how it goes.


I would just like to add, a HUGE thank you to Nightshadow, for taking me "under his wing", for putting up with the phone calls most nights with my list of questions, for inviting me over, for taking me out, for checking my set up and helping me acquire my equipment - some I would not be able to afford without him, for taking me to collect my hawk, for helping whilst in the training period - the list is endless! SO THANKS A LOT NIGHTSHADOW - YOUR ARE THE BEST! :notworthy:

Edited by FerretJamie
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Jamie it's been great fun and some times bloody hard work but we got there in the end ,did we not :clapper: this is just the begining young'un for you,relax and enjoy it. Sorry to say you will have the bug for life, it will never leave you, alway remember these words

MY WAY, THEIR WAY, AND YOUR WAY, you understand ;) Will always be there for you. Once again ENJOY :clapper::clapper:

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Jamie it's been great fun and some times bloody hard work but we got there in the end ,did we not :clapper: this is just the begining young'un for you,relax and enjoy it. Sorry to say you will have the bug for life, it will never leave you, alway remember these words

MY WAY, THEIR WAY, AND YOUR WAY, you understand ;) Will always be there for you. Once again ENJOY :clapper::clapper:


Thanks, mate. Yeah, we got there - just need to get him entered now! :thumbs:

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hows your bird getting on mate :D:D


Hi mate,


He's doing well, thanks. Been doing more dummy bunny work with him as he was swopping down on prey but not latching on. He now holds tight no problems! Also been getting him to follow on. He's brilliant, don't even need to blow my whistle, just when I walk in front of him, he swoops in front and up another tree.


Had him out on the farm yesterday, new permission so was mainly looking around finding the warrens etc. He had 4 really good chases with an excellent one on a long slip, caught up with the rabbit like a bullet, was on the tail end of it when a bloody golden retriever came charging over barking. He got put off and went up the tree but when called, he came back to me instantly.


Took him over to a piece of local land today, because Dad is using the car. Not much around so resorted to doing more dummy bunny work - great! Also introduced him to the ferrets. He initally screeched at the polecat but he was then relaxed. Put him on the fence post and he lifted one leg up as if he was going to sleep!


Gonna take him out tomorrow, back to the farm but this time with the ferret. Hopefully I will get a better result.

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