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Advice on where to get a Harris Hawk


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Evening all, in the new year I'm getting my first Harris Hawk and as I'm new to the sport I was hoping that someone could point me in the direction of a reputable breeder. I live in S.W Wales but would be willing to travel anywhere within reason, if anyone could help me I'd appreciate it.


One quick question to anyone who has a minute, what time of year would be best to get the bird?


All the best


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Get some books first mate and read up. "What time of year to get a new bird" is a really easy question if you think about it mate so, with that in mind, it doesnt seem like your ready to own.

Im not having a go bud, truly, but you just arent ready for the massive commitment.

Christmas time is a great opportunity to ask father christmas for some books

all the best, trappa

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Get some books first mate and read up. "What time of year to get a new bird" is a really easy question if you think about it mate so, with that in mind, it doesnt seem like your ready to own.

Im not having a go bud, truly, but you just arent ready for the massive commitment.

Christmas time is a great opportunity to ask father christmas for some books

all the best, trappa


Your right in saying that I'm not ready for a bird yet mate I know that myself, and I'm not one for doing something on a whim which is why I always do my homework before taking anything new on.

I have read books on the subject some of which I got myself and others have been lent to me by friends, I only asked about what time of year to get a bird because some of the books say different things.

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