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land rover 90

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  green oval said:
  TOPPER said:
toyota landcruisers everytime they just keep going on and on and on



a bit like all the people on here going on about jap crap



yes but i have an old 92 land cruiser here thats done 356,014 and that engines never been touched i dont think there is a landy around thats got 200,000 without a major rebiuld , just admit it landys have had there day after all there bodged together from new by brummies

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I've got a defender 90 TD5, its done over 50,000 trouble free miles so far and takes some hammer... I'm pleased with it, its a hunting vehicle to me, I've had toyotas, mitsubushi's, yes there better on road, but 9/10 mines axle deep in mud, and the same inside... Its personal choice end of the day... I've had a new shape hilux and swapped it for the defender after a few months... Saying that given a choice of allround 4x4 I'd probably choose a Disco 3 or Landcruiser, the Shoguns are good too... The price you can pickup L200's for now is for nowt, I'd be tempted for around £3000, good vehicle once you stick some treads on them for that money...

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  TOPPER said:
  green oval said:
  TOPPER said:
toyota landcruisers everytime they just keep going on and on and on



a bit like all the people on here going on about jap crap



yes but i have an old 92 land cruiser here thats done 356,014 and that engines never been touched i dont think there is a landy around thats got 200,000 without a major rebiuld , just admit it landys have had there day after all there bodged together from new by brummies



Iv just sold a disco with 230,000 miles with just regulare cambelt and services! it still going strong!!



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I work for a motor factors company and in the 4x4 department we sell more landy bits then any other 4x4 and i am not just talking about service bits.


While people still buy and own landys i will never have to worry about the credit crunch :laugh:.

Edited by MR TEA POT
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got a life thanks topper just takin the piss out of you landcruiser owners,

i don't think their 4x4's to you lot, more like sex toy's youre all f****n obsessed.


at the end of the day who gives a f**k what anyone drives.


this started off as me saying I PREFER landrovers to jap 4x4's


and every c**t starts having a wank!

well lets all just drop it now its really f****n boring, so tosser sorry i mean topper go f****n hunting after all thats what this site is supposed to be for.


see you soon tosser, sorry i mean topper :bye:

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  rick said:
land rovers 90 best 4x4xfar this is true all jap 4x4 are shit!





sorry just felt like making this statement.



  rick said:
got a life thanks topper just takin the piss out of you landcruiser owners,

i don't think their 4x4's to you lot, more like sex toy's youre all f****n obsessed.


at the end of the day who gives a f**k what anyone drives.


this started off as me saying I PREFER landrovers to jap 4x4's


and every c**t starts having a wank!

well lets all just drop it now its really f****n boring, so tosser sorry i mean topper go f****n hunting after all thats what this site is supposed to be for.


see you soon tosser, sorry i mean topper :bye:


if you read the top quote, you will see exactly how you started this thread Dick, sorry i mean Rick.... ;)

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  MR TEA POT said:
I work for a motor factors company and in the 4x4 department we sell more landy bits then any other 4x4 and i am not just talking about service bits.


While people still buy and own landys i will never have to worry about the credit crunch :laugh:.

MR T POT you know that motor factors can't supply many parts for jap 4x4 and the landy stuff is cheap.Lads who know a bit about motors can keep their landys on the road themselfs .Having said that i have used both and repaird all types at the end of the day it's persanel joice but formost it comes down to what you nead your 4x4 for.OFF ROAD /MOTORWAY/ TOWING/GOODS/POSEING,OR A MIX AND MATCH.For the record i use a 90 T5 and it does the job for me.

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Guest alastair

landys are good offroad ,its the getting to the mud thats painfull,whats that crazy small gap between the steering wheel (defender) and door all about.if you require a decent offroad machine,warmth,comfy,quiet,reliable all rounder then jap.if you spend more time offroad than on then id buy a landy.when i get stuck in my jap motor i just get a landy owner to pull me out they come running to help,just to prove thier capabilities,so you never really get stranded,thanks to all the kind landy owners ;)

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  lucky said:
landrovers are definately overated piles of shite they have a record of being the highest cost motor to keep running, as they break something everytime they look at a puddle, i get loads of call outs every season to tow out lads that have got stuck lamping, and nearly everytime its a landrover, gutless, uncomfy, cold heaps of junk they are, and there so good off road that you have to spend £5k on one to try and stop it from getting stuck jap moters will piss on them everytime..... ;)

Now Lucky we all now that once you bottom any vehicle your stuck even tracked vehicles consider this do landy owners expect to much from them and drive them harder of road than someone with a jap vehicle with good body lines and plastic bumpers.Iadmit the biuld is poor highest cost to run don't think so.! Track rod end landy £12 average jap £30 and its the same for most running costs.

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