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Dog fox last nite

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A couple of weeks ago Woodga told me that a mate of his had got some new ground for ferretting and the young lad was seeing a few foxes about. He asked if I wanted to shoot some so I rang him last night to organise but he was still knackered after Sunday so he kindly put me onto the young lad and we decided to have a look around last night.


We lamped a fox in the 1st field and the 2nd field but unfortunately were both lamp shy and quickly departed :censored:


I lamped another fox in the 3rd field and my luck was in this time , this fox just sat there like one of those dumb Wiltshire foxes ( you know the type Foxdropper ) :tongue2::tongue2:


A dog fox in the bag :victory:


Hope to get a few more off this ground as it looks promising !!




Thanks Woodga :signthankspin:

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Well done mate


The other two will be there for again

We got a dog last night also

Had scanned this sapping wet rushey field 2 or 3 times,

just as i was about to move to the next field i spotted the eyes

We are using the amber filter on the 170 lightforce at the minute but that didn't seem to relax charlie though

He started trotting off towards the ditch so my mate started calling,didn't slow him any

I knew he would give me the customary glance back(two fingers) before he went through

so i waited for him to stop and bang down he went.

Got a head shot on him which gave him the addition of a third eye at around 110 yrds.

Using a cz .22 hornet.



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