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Markbrick Vs World.Hunters

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As people are keen to know what the arrangements are for this match, i will get you all up to speed!!!


About a week ago mark himself told me that they were going to run their heat in early january, apparently this was what W.H had suggested and seeing as mark told me thats what was happening, i took this as his agreement!!!


Despite numerous accusations of me moving the goal posts, mark himself is now doing the very same.......... yesterday during text messages from mark.....which i have all of sent and recieved......... mark was asking me when his heat was....although he had already told me himself early january.... the fact that he is ready to go aparently now means that it has to be now.....as we all know, the world revolves around mark!!!!!!


W.H has said he'll run it on the 6th january, now this morning of course after telling mark that last night i recieve a text saying the rules state it has to be in december, now as we all know not all the heats have taken place within the confounds of the allocated month, me and rew for example had injury problems and both allowed the other more time, to get the dogs right.......this to me is all part of the sporting spirit which you'd expect from decent genuine folk!!!!!!


I have pointed out to mark that he in fact didnt play by the rules when he ran his first heat early, so he doesn't actually have much ground on that one, as he cant just apply the rules when it suits himself!!!!


I'm sure nobody else would have a problem waiting to run there heat a week or two late as this is all part of sportmanship, nodody else wants to go through the heats on a buy, as they think its unfair not to have tested their dogs..........


So just to clarify, in my opinion the heat between the two of them will be on the 6th of january, mark has not stated to me that he cant run that date, he just asked what the moon phase was, so thats when it'll be!!!!!


If now for whatever reason either of you say you cant make that date, i'll give you a date and a location (which will be up here) and you'll have to swallow it!!!! So i suggest mark you stop trying to make excuses and step up to the plate, show that you're are gent and a sportsman and run it on the 6th of january!!!!!!


I wont bother texting you this info mark as i'm sure you'll be on here to read it yourself, if not one of your folowers will ring you with the full gen mate!!!!

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Guest world.hunters

Cheers mate


i was going to run it this month but not long after coming back from colins we lost internet connection for a few weeks and i couldnt sort it out so now i said to LDR and send a pm to mark saying we will run on the 6th and im just waiting on a definate reply from mark now.



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If you are running the comp next year, the rules must be strict !! ALL matches MUST be run in the alloted time, no excuses; if a dog is injured or an owner can't make it in that month..... they're OUT !! That'll stop all the messers trying to bend the rules !! As for Markprick; he will try everything he can to get thrown out or find an excuse to leave the comp !! I suggest that he isn't considered for next years comp !!


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Credit for you lads for sticking with this comp, after all the sniping, bullshit, etc, you've seen it through.


I'm not involved in this comp myself, but my thoughts on the matter would be to give WH a bye into the next round, and give MB his fecking money back & have done with it, if he's going to start kicking up shit. Don't let him try to ruin it with his childish tantrums.

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Credit for you lads for sticking with this comp, after all the sniping, bullshit, etc, you've seen it through.


I'm not involved in this comp myself, but my thoughts on the matter would be to give WH a bye into the next round, and give MB his fecking money back & have done with it, if he's going to start kicking up shit. Don't let him try to ruin it with his childish tantrums.



this man MB seems to be a nuisence just like a small child thrives on attension"" my way or no way"" dont let him spoil the comp tell him how its going to be good luck

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I don't think its a farce, far from it actually.


As for the heat being run slightly later, who cares? You are at the 1/4 final stage and its not like there was hundreds of entrants to arange ties.


We ran our heat on the 1st Dec, 1 day late because Fieldmarshall works away on the riggs and I wanted to give him a few days to get his dog out for a few runs before we ran the heat. Its called sportsmanship.


Its like LDR and rews heat, rews dog was injured so an agreement was made too wait a couple of weeks - a no brainer too me!!


WH and Mark are running a few days late? so what? It should be a good heat with two good dogs - thats what we should be focusing on, not on being strict with rules and jucking people out etc.


Alot of people want this comp to fail but sorry, it is not going to fail! no way! too mutch has happened for that!


and I think it will be run next year too, but all these guys saying "im entering next year" - I bet you don't, It will be the same names with the odd extra one. Hope Im wrong, but doubt it.

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How about setting the dates between two boundary dates next year, if anyone backs down they are out! (or is that the plan this year, run in the month?)

LDR good man for running the show, there is always going to be knockers, (Not a great pair type!) and if they do not like it tough, they are not the one's running things!

Seen some good sportmanship in the reports of the heats so far. :notworthy:

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Seems like its been running fairly smoothly on the whole? Not my kind of gig but its good for the sport and it brings people together,and thats got to be a good thing?

LDR and the rest of the lads who seem involved in the running of it and judging it (woodga foxhunter etc.) are all good honest down to earth blokes,as seem to be all the people involved in the competition.

Best of luck to all those involved past, present and future. :victory:

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If you are running the comp next year, the rules must be strict !! ALL matches MUST be run in the alloted time, no excuses; if a dog is injured or an owner can't make it in that month..... they're OUT !! That'll stop all the messers trying to bend the rules !! As for Markprick; he will try everything he can to get thrown out or find an excuse to leave the comp !! I suggest that he isn't considered for next years comp !!




hey mate, this is the first time ive agreed with you. and if some shit pops up no matter how personal it is . you have to for-fit the match alowing the outher to move up ahead in the comp. :victory:

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Cheers mate


i was going to run it this month but not long after coming back from colins we lost internet connection for a few weeks and i couldnt sort it out so now i said to LDR and send a pm to mark saying we will run on the 6th and im just waiting on a definate reply from mark now.





W.H do me a favour and ring the bloke too, just so the tit doesn't start giving me more fecking ear ache!!!!


Spep has text me and said that date is no probs!!!!

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