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Clay Shooting

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WELL FOR STARTERS, I LOVE THAT, STOP WHEN I RAN OUT OF SHELLS LOL . at times fireing all you have is grand but you learn nothing from it, learn to read the birds(clays) is what you need to learn, as for tip what are you doing wrong ???????????????? :whistling:

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I'll give you the benefit of 20 years...


1. If you miss, you need to change what you did the first time....you wont hit it the second time

2. Make sure you..move..mount..shoot.

3. Buy cheap cartridges..spending more money. means your misses, cost more.

4. Dont stop the movement when you pull the trigger.. if you stop ..you miss.

5. you know everything at your age..but get a lesson and someone to stand behind you when you miss..

6. wear ear defenders, because i'm deaf from teaching newbies how to shoot.. WHAT?????

7. Squeeze, dont pull..

8. If yo miss it with the first barrel, you normally miss it with the second.

9. Pray to Allah


Hope that helps

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i reckon the biggest problem anyone has with shooting with a shotty is that they think about the shot too much.


i often do it to but i try not to.


the best advice to give is that you shouldnt think about the shot too much. if you do you're likely to miss. it should feel instinctive and you should feel confident about the shot before you take it


thats my 2p's worth anyway.


have fun tomorrow mate



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