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Looking for Information PTCGB

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tom if the south yorks lot feel so bad about there treatment then tell them to put it in writing and ask for a hearing? rather than ask you to do their dirty work for them. as ex members of the club this is there right.



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Guest rattingaddict
tom if the south yorks lot feel so bad about there treatment then tell them to put it in writing and ask for a hearing? rather than ask you to do their dirty work for them. as ex members of the club this is there right.





The south yorksire lot as you keep calling em.

havnt asked Tom or anyone to fight our corner


How can we have a hearing when theres only one person doing all the hiring and firing

The only person who could and should stand up for the workers in the breed club

just cant be bothered


You should know this...

you seam very clicky already

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TOM perhaps you would care to produce full accounts and reciepts for all your so called fund raising activities? now seen as you have collected from hunting people THIS is in the interest of all.


I never had access to any funds donated to young Zander, contact Ian Clark Director of the Scottish Association of Countryspoprt 01698 885 206 Who Co-ordinated the Zander Appeal


As you can see from the quotes on the L & R website these are the views of other people who are entitled to their opinion :good: which you have edited? (I thought I was the site Editor) and as a moderator on the site I'm not going to remove comments just because people either agree / disagree with my views, and thats why they remain. Keeps!! I noticed you only picked on one post and did'nt include the reply???




Ian B quote "I'm just curious myself...Tom why are you so obsessed with this plummer thing you have going?" end quote


Ian I've had a lot of E-mails an pm's from certain terriermen who feel alienated and badly treated :angry: and at present I'm researching, for an article I'm writing because!!! it may be of some interest to members of SAC's who are Terriermen. the fact that it involves the PTCGB is co-incidental and thats whats causing the furore if it were any other working dog club I don't think you would see this re-action?? As this appears to be denegrating into personal insults and innuendo, I'll carry on researching the matter in the background

and post no more on the subject if you wish?




To be honest Tom , I don't really care, plummer and plummers aint my thing...

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