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Looking for Information PTCGB

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I know some of you will be saying "aaaaaH not again" :laugh: but I'm looking for the following information from either members or ex members of the PTCGB :good:


1/ Any formal letters of expulsion given to any of the South Yorkshire lads


2/ A copy of the PTCGB written constitution mainly in conection re: disciplinary action against members?


3/ A list of Commitee members of the PTGB


4/ Any information re: any charity status re: PTCGB


5/ Any information re the trademarking of the Plummer Terrier name?

Is it registered in another company's name or an individuals?


6/ Information re minutes of meetings or AGM's


7/ Do members receive copies of accounts at the end of the financial year or at AGM's


8/ Are there some members / ex members who have not received written acknowledgement

of there membership registration.


I know some / lot of you are pissed of with this?? and I apologise in advance, but I've had a large no, of PM's and Emails on the matter!! from members of this board ,and some Plummer Terrier owners concerned about the way they and others have been treated

If you can help with any of the above?? it will be very much appriciated and could well help your fellow terrier men :good: At the same time I'm exploring other avenues for information of the above




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Guest rattingaddict
TOM why you? why dont you keep your nose out of buisness that is certainly not yours, are you a plummer owner. ..answer NO. are you a member of the PTCGB? answer NO


so why dont you do what you should do and let the members decide and do what they will without your interfering, you shout very loud but hide a sorid past so i hear, why not let everyone know how many people you have pissed off with your crank pot crusades. how many high profile orginisations have you been asked to leave and who dont want anything more to do with you?


even your so called site www.thelanarkshireandrenfrewshirehunt.com why dont you actually tell people that the hunt who's name you use for it have told you they want nothing more to do with you. so many people tell the same story regarding there dealings with you.surley they are all not wrong.


so time to come clean and expose your own dirty past to all the members you try to champion, please let us all know as surley that is also in the interest of the working men and women on here, hunting public interest .


tell me this the members that have asked you to so called champion for them are they all plummer owners? and if so what odds is there that they are the members who were thrown off the ptcgb forum or friends of them, oh and the pta members also i bet?


at the end of the day before you try to drag a club and its dogs down to your level then make sure you are whiter than white instead of hiding so much in your past.



Sharkdiver..or Austin is it



Youve only had your pup..How long

youve been a member of the PTCGB...how long

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the length of time dont matter OG

. fgt dont own a plummer and never has.

he has no buisness and no right to be involved.

most of the posts i have seen from fgt have had one aim a personal vendetta against sue, and by doing this dragging the club and the dog owners down to his level.

if you and the rest of the members thrown off want to try to attack sue, the club and the rest of the owners then at least have the guts to do it your self instead of hiding yourself behind fgt shirt tails,


i notice you dont seem interested in his antics or is it a case of he aint a woman so you wont attack him?

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TOM why you? why dont you keep your nose out of buisness that is certainly not yours, are you a plummer owner. ..answer NO. are you a member of the PTCGB? answer NO


so why dont you do what you should do and let the members decide and do what they will without your interfering, you shout very loud but hide a sorid past so i hear, why not let everyone know how many people you have pissed off with your crank pot crusades. how many high profile orginisations have you been asked to leave and who dont want anything more to do with you?


even your so called site www.thelanarkshireandrenfrewshirehunt.com why dont you actually tell people that the hunt who's name you use for it have told you they want nothing more to do with you. so many people tell the same story regarding there dealings with you.surley they are all not wrong.


so time to come clean and expose your own dirty past to all the members you try to champion, please let us all know as surley that is also in the interest of the working men and women on here, hunting public interest .


tell me this the members that have asked you to so called champion for them are they all plummer owners? and if so what odds is there that they are the members who were thrown off the ptcgb forum or friends of them, oh and the pta members also i bet?


at the end of the day before you try to drag a club and its dogs down to your level then make sure you are whiter than white instead of hiding so much in your past.


Stop hiding behind another false name and defend yourself upfront


This sounds exactly like the telephone conversation word for word, I had with Tweedette this morning :laugh: I have never been asked to leave any high profile organisation ever?? fact!!


I have allready stated publicly the reasons why I'm no longer involved with the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Foxhounds and there is a witness to that?? Fact!!!


Whats my sordid past?? I have no criminal convictions?? or police record Fact!!!


There is Feck all wrong with the Plummer Terrier as a working dog, some may disagree, but I think its a fact!!!


I don't hide behind Psuedonyms and and make unfounded allegations Fact!!! If you think you know something about me, don't hide behind a keyboard under a false name and make allegations?? come out into the open and say what you have to say :good:


PS: If I get a Plummer can I join the PTCGB Austin/Tweedette/Tim/Dennis



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Guest rattingaddict

self instead of hiding yourself behind fgt shirt tails,




But He is doing such a wonderful job :D:D:D


His rants are much better then mine ever could be and He is only telling the truth..no harm in that

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your guessing game is wrong fgt lol i speak my own mind not some one elses. i am neither sue nor tim.


you are a bully who either picks on women or dead men, personally i find you repulsive and a sad little man that hobby is causing trouble and picking on people who you find weaker or no longer able to defend themselfs.


why dont you try actually posting some thing usefull for the members instead of continuing your personal vendeta against the ptcgb. i bet you feel a real big man being asked to champion a few pissed off ex PTCGB members.


the only good you are is to the anti's for all the trouble you cause.




truth OG? try telling the truth. better still try to do your own dirty work and the rest of your crew. oops sorry forgot you are only the mouth of the others.

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I think you should *** every mention of this shite ian , it is a load of childish shite it was funny at first but everytime i come on here more of this is on here !!


I'm just curious myself...Tom why are you so obsessed with this plummer thing you have going? :blink:

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Guest Keeps

taken from Toms “Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt†website


"This website gives anyone who hunts with dogs a voice - without censorship by any organisation or faction of the 'establishment'. It allows you to make your feelings known in a way which is, I believe, unique in this country. I hope that you use it extensively to communicate with each other and the rest of the country sports sectors. I also hope that you use it wisely. By that I mean as a vehicle to get constructive and sensible suggestions into the public domain, not to whine about something that has happened in the past or to criticise individuals."


“While there have clearly been personal disagreements between Tom and some of the Hunt Committee over the website, to the extent that Tom is no longer one of the nominated Guns for the Hunt, it is sad that the Hunt has refused to compromise in any way to reach what would certainly have been a more positive position for all concerned.

While I do not suggest that there is any foundation for it whatsover, the apparently popular perception of Hunts being run as private clubs for 'Toffs' will not be helped by this sad saga.

Do all Hunts act like this?

Is so, they could be their own worst enemy!“ - Well perhaps they could if Tom was a member!




"Message from: Susan Rothwell - The Plummer Terrier Club of Great Britain

It is so nice to see new hunting sites coming online, especially at this very delicate political moment in time. We at the PTCGB, are thrilled to welcome you to the WWW. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the Plummer Terrier, they were created by the late Brian Plummer (Tales of a rat hunting man), who was a leading fieldsports writer and author of over 50 books.

Brian sadly passed away Sept 2003. During the last 6 years of his life he was vital in the forming of the PTCGB. Controversial as always, he introduced an outcross to the Plummer Terriers in 1998 in the form of a bull terrier, in order to correct defects that were appearing more and more frequently through some of the 'purer' lines.


Now approaching the 4th and 5th generation in the breeding programme of which he involved himself , the dogs are standardising as he said they would. The photograph above was taken at The Scottish Kennel club show in Edinburgh 2003, where the PTCGB was invited to have a stand for the day.


This stand proved to be a great sucess, and created a number of new members and enthusiasts for the breed. Although the club has no plans to seek KC recognition for the forseable future , the publicity through the various dog magazines proved invaluable.


For more information on the Plummer Terrier. PTCGB and Brian Plummer , see our website "

You have this on your website Tom and yet you continue to criticise and campaign against her - hypocrite!


A few more links

the writings of an anti?




taken from Toms forum http://thelanarkshireandrenfrewshirehunt.c...wtopic.php?t=57


"As I have said you put yourself forward as a supporter of hunting and hunting people but you are trying to pocket other peoples hard earned cash.The people you claim to support ie organised hunts.I have not studied all the posts on the forum but I would bet somewhere there will be a begging plea disguised as an appeal of some sort.Without wanting to repeat myself too often I will reiterate...you have used a well known and respected name and used it for your own gain you have registered another hunts name and tried to cash in on that also, now by your own admission you have registered other names{probably other hunt related}with the intention of self promotion to the detriment of other hunting people. How you can say you are a supporter of hunting people is beyond me.tom chalmers is for tom chalmers and no one else!!!!!!!!!! If this is an honest hunting site then tomorrow is christmas"


The Hunt contact details on Toms Site


The Kennels: Houston Renfrewshire. Tel: 01505 612022




The real Lanakshire and Renfrewshire Hunt contacts


Secretary: N.B. Oliver

Tel: 0141 639 9859

E-mail: norman@argyleconsulting.co.uk


Make up your own minds – who's the fraud?

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TOM perhaps you would care to produce full accounts and reciepts for all your so called fund raising activities? now seen as you have collected from hunting people THIS is in the interest of all.


I never had access to any funds donated to young Zander, contact Ian Clark Director of the Scottish Association of Countryspoprt 01698 885 206 Who Co-ordinated the Zander Appeal


As you can see from the quotes on the L & R website these are the views of other people who are entitled to their opinion :good: which you have edited? (I thought I was the site Editor) and as a moderator on the site I'm not going to remove comments just because people either agree / disagree with my views, and thats why they remain. Keeps!! I noticed you only picked on one post and did'nt include the reply???




Ian B quote "I'm just curious myself...Tom why are you so obsessed with this plummer thing you have going?" end quote


Ian I've had a lot of E-mails an pm's from certain terriermen who feel alienated and badly treated :angry: and at present I'm researching, for an article I'm writing because!!! it may be of some interest to members of SAC's who are Terriermen. the fact that it involves the PTCGB is co-incidental and thats whats causing the furore if it were any other working dog club I don't think you would see this re-action?? As this appears to be denegrating into personal insults and innuendo, I'll carry on researching the matter in the background

and post no more on the subject if you wish?



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