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rabbit beats?

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i was walking through some farmers fields down the side of the trent last week when i saw for the 1st time lines in the ground caused by rabbits. now im not going to pretend that it was down to any skill on my part as`it wasnt, most of the grass was about 5" tall so it was fairly easy to see them criss crossing and going through a wire fence, that and every now and again the odd scattering of rabbit droppings. but as i got used to seeing these and on a different field where the grass was very short 1-2" tall i started to see more lines on the ground, i had to look harder for these though and i even traced some back to rabbit holes! i was quite pleased with my self for doing this. anyway what i want to know is, whats a beat? ive read the articles by g.s waters and although he says that the beats are the circles inbetween the grass, i still dont understand, there wasnt anything like that on the fields i was on, only lines. or are the circles meant to be the flattened grass? plus where would i be able to get some wire to make the snares? i wanted to try snaring before but now i have seen signs of rabbits i really have to give it a go.

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i was walking through some farmers fields down the side of the trent last week when i saw for the 1st time lines in the ground caused by rabbits. now im not going to pretend that it was down to any skill on my part as`it wasnt, most of the grass was about 5" tall so it was fairly easy to see them criss crossing and going through a wire fence, that and every now and again the odd scattering of rabbit droppings. but as i got used to seeing these and on a different field where the grass was very short 1-2" tall i started to see more lines on the ground, i had to look harder for these though and i even traced some back to rabbit holes! i was quite pleased with my self for doing this. anyway what i want to know is, whats a beat? ive read the articles by g.s waters and although he says that the beats are the circles inbetween the grass, i still dont understand, there wasnt anything like that on the fields i was on, only lines. or are the circles meant to be the flattened grass? plus where would i be able to get some wire to make the snares? i wanted to try snaring before but now i have seen signs of rabbits i really have to give it a go.

Pm Woodga and get his snaring DVD. It explains everything. Sometimes you get beats as in snaremans pictures, other times you get runs.

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The beat or trod........is where the rabbits feet lands as he is travelling along a run......like little stepping stones in the grass. These are quite distinct near the rabbit buries........and can get harder to see the further out they go, but it is above the beat that the wire is set (not between the beats) As Ian has said........get Woodgas DVD.....or read Glenns articles on the site.......these will clarify it for you.......!


Some pictures of some quite distinct rabbits runs ;)



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as soon as i get some spare cash im getting the dvd for sure, ive already have his details. i can see whats meant by "beats" now

from your pics rolfe, which are the same as those in the drawings by glenn. ill have to look out for them when im in some fields again. it definatly

makes things easier when the grass is long though :D ive read the articles a couple of times now and it was just the pics on the beats that i couldnt get

but thanks for clearing things up for me lads :good: if you were me and wanted to get permission would you tell the truth and say that you were a complete

novice or say that you have snared for a year or so? i belive in honesty's the best policy but it doesnt always work that way. oh and by the way i dont have anybody

to go with to show me the way

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