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Everyone knew one...

Guest anonymous

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well mate it all cant be blamed on the lampers bacouse i have seen people hare couseing in day light on my local filed with as meany as 7 lurchers on a hare at a time & argue witch dog killed it as if it would mater. i have seen people kill hares in numbers dubled up duaring the day then just chuck them in the field to rot so this is respecting the hare is it? i lamp hare & yes i have had dogs that couldnt catch a hare in daylight but whould catch hares at night. i have never tock more than i need becouse i dont just kill for sport & every hare i kill gets eating by myself frends or my animals. there is good & bad in every type of field sport but people just like to stick to there owen little group if your not in it your out. some so called daytime couses make me sick just like some of the night time couses make you sick. but if i whent on some one elses pemishion & they asked me to kill as meany as i could then i would becouse if i didnt then they would or some one else would. but i would never just fling them & they whould all get used even if it was just for dog food& to feed the ferrets. ps i only couse with one dog on anything smaller than a fox unless i have a pup to bring on but even then i useualy bring them on with just rabbits.

well said that man. there are many dogs as said that wont catch a hare in day time but would still find it hard to catch a hare at night and just as many hares would get away as would be cought with a dog like this.wich is just as sporting as a faster dog taking them in the daytime and any animal wich is pursued to excess wether day or night will see a reduction in numbers.

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The Hare sits proudly in the middle of his manor, chest out, surveying all around with an air of arrogance. They've travelled far and wide to test their dogs against this legendary animal. Single handed and doubled up, he's beaten them all. Even a team of dogs thrown out of a transit van was no match for this boy.... He once saw a young dog getting carried from the field after what was no more than a second gear jaunt.... One of his easiest foes but the one he should have worried about the most.......


For this dog and his impatient owner will do his hunting under the stars. The cover of darkness will be this failure curs career path. No more the beauty of the chase, it's just a numbers game now. No longer 100 yard starts, the form is his starting place. Picked up in his resting place... full of fight but no flight.....The once mighty warrior of them all taken in his prime under a beam.


Years later the old men still stand around the fire in the pub reminicising of the untouchable hare in the top field.... All remembering how their dog was the one who nearly had him, how they got close enough to fleck him before he took the chase serious and made good his escape. That hare made many a good dog look foolish....... wonder what happened to him they thought.... Must have been some dog that got him in the end!



Sentimental twaddle......the second paragraph implies that because a young dog missed a hare its a failure and only good for lamping....save your stories for the article competition :(

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The Hare sits proudly in the middle of his manor, chest out, surveying all around with an air of arrogance. They've travelled far and wide to test their dogs against this legendary animal. Single handed and doubled up, he's beaten them all. Even a team of dogs thrown out of a transit van was no match for this boy.... He once saw a young dog getting carried from the field after what was no more than a second gear jaunt.... One of his easiest foes but the one he should have worried about the most.......


For this dog and his impatient owner will do his hunting under the stars. The cover of darkness will be this failure curs career path. No more the beauty of the chase, it's just a numbers game now. No longer 100 yard starts, the form is his starting place. Picked up in his resting place... full of fight but no flight.....The once mighty warrior of them all taken in his prime under a beam.


Years later the old men still stand around the fire in the pub reminicising of the untouchable hare in the top field.... All remembering how their dog was the one who nearly had him, how they got close enough to fleck him before he took the chase serious and made good his escape. That hare made many a good dog look foolish....... wonder what happened to him they thought.... Must have been some dog that got him in the end!

and they Called *HER* El Rapido and those her Ran her never did catch *HER*

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Guest anonymous


The Hare sits proudly in the middle of his manor, chest out, surveying all around with an air of arrogance. They've travelled far and wide to test their dogs against this legendary animal. Single handed and doubled up, he's beaten them all. Even a team of dogs thrown out of a transit van was no match for this boy.... He once saw a young dog getting carried from the field after what was no more than a second gear jaunt.... One of his easiest foes but the one he should have worried about the most.......


For this dog and his impatient owner will do his hunting under the stars. The cover of darkness will be this failure curs career path. No more the beauty of the chase, it's just a numbers game now. No longer 100 yard starts, the form is his starting place. Picked up in his resting place... full of fight but no flight.....The once mighty warrior of them all taken in his prime under a beam.


Years later the old men still stand around the fire in the pub reminicising of the untouchable hare in the top field.... All remembering how their dog was the one who nearly had him, how they got close enough to fleck him before he took the chase serious and made good his escape. That hare made many a good dog look foolish....... wonder what happened to him they thought.... Must have been some dog that got him in the end!



Sentimental twaddle......the second paragraph implies that because a young dog missed a hare its a failure and only good for lamping....save your stories for the article competition :(


The post was meant to make people think, it's not factual. As the heading suggests we all know of a hare that the full village/county couldn't touch and will be remembered till the grave. As for you telling me to stop posting stories, I thought that was the purpose of the forum? Looking at photos of dead animals is ok and posting well done is fine but it is limited. I like to post threads which create a bit of a debate, what is wrong with that? As for the article competition, didn't know there was one!!!

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yes lamping has took its toll in the early eighties when lamps were

just kicking off around here i couldent walk 2 or 3 mile in the day

time and the dogs were done and every second house hold had

a whippet or a lurcher at that time you could walk all day now for

a run makes you think :whistling:

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Guest anonymous
yes lamping has took its toll in the early eighties when lamps were

just kicking off around here i couldent walk 2 or 3 mile in the day

time and the dogs were done and every second house hold had

a whippet or a lurcher at that time you could walk all day now for

a run makes you think :whistling:


The thing is right, I've lamped hares. I reckon if we are honest, everyone of us at some point has lamped a hare. You know what it's like, your out lamping rabbits and for some reason they are all posted missing... Old long ears makes an appearance and you think... what the hell. What I have noticed is this was before I got permission and was out poaching. Wouldn't dream of doing it on my permission, why would I? What a waste.... But it's ok to "steal" one on other peoples land, wont miss it, wont make a blind bit of difference to me.... The thing is though, I'm talking about atleast 15 years ago was the last hare I lamped. I'm talking about the guys who soley go out of their way to lamp hares!!! Bloody rediculous if you ask me....

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Guest anonymous
dont get me wrong im not blaming the dog boys for it

although i know some that even lamp them in the summer

but the guys with 22 rifles that shoot thirty off one field

yet to see a man with a rifle in his hand that can exersise

restraint :thumbdown:


Excellent point! But honestly, don't start me on shooters lol :wallbash:

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The Hare sits proudly in the middle of his manor, chest out, surveying all around with an air of arrogance. They've travelled far and wide to test their dogs against this legendary animal. Single handed and doubled up, he's beaten them all. Even a team of dogs thrown out of a transit van was no match for this boy.... He once saw a young dog getting carried from the field after what was no more than a second gear jaunt.... One of his easiest foes but the one he should have worried about the most.......


For this dog and his impatient owner will do his hunting under the stars. The cover of darkness will be this failure curs career path. No more the beauty of the chase, it's just a numbers game now. No longer 100 yard starts, the form is his starting place. Picked up in his resting place... full of fight but no flight.....The once mighty warrior of them all taken in his prime under a beam.


Years later the old men still stand around the fire in the pub reminicising of the untouchable hare in the top field.... All remembering how their dog was the one who nearly had him, how they got close enough to fleck him before he took the chase serious and made good his escape. That hare made many a good dog look foolish....... wonder what happened to him they thought.... Must have been some dog that got him in the end!



Sentimental twaddle......the second paragraph implies that because a young dog missed a hare its a failure and only good for lamping....save your stories for the article competition :(


The post was meant to make people think, it's not factual. As the heading suggests we all know of a hare that the full village/county couldn't touch and will be remembered till the grave. As for you telling me to stop posting stories, I thought that was the purpose of the forum? Looking at photos of dead animals is ok and posting well done is fine but it is limited. I like to post threads which create a bit of a debate, what is wrong with that? As for the article competition, didn't know there was one!!!



where did I say stop posting stories....I said save them for the article competition when it comes up again....its getting like disney world or farling wood in here at times its a hunting forum not fecking jackanory....instead of making shit up go out and do something to write about...I'm sure you'll find more a more appreciative audience. :whistling:

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Guest anonymous

Where did I say stop posting stories....I said save them for the article competition when it comes up again....its getting like disney world or farling wood in here at times its a hunting forum not fecking jackanory....instead of making shit up go out and do something to write about...I'm sure you'll find more a more appreciative audience. :whistling:


Yawn............ I dunno about you but most outings are pretty much uneventful i.e, pretty much the same as each other but hey, here goes just for you............


Both dogs were biting at the bit yesterday morning, ferrets were scratching their boxes all the way to the permission. 3 hours later, soaked to the skin and only 4 rabbits to show for our hardship, we headed home...

Edited by anonymous
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