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lamp comp poll semis, please vote

lamp comp winner?  

143 members have voted


    • scouser3038
    • LDR
    • TOMO

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It ought to be the dogs names on the poll , I think people are voting for people they either like or dislike , ;)

Voice of reason amidst a sea of confusion,this type of poll always becomes a conspiracy theorists character assassination,markbrick caught in a triangulation of fire like Nixon and the grassy knoll shot,this isnt a poll on most popular characters,its the dogs doing the hard work :victory: But I voted for Marks dog :laugh:

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It ought to be the dogs names on the poll , I think people are voting for people they either like or dislike , ;)

Voice of reason amidst a sea of confusion,this type of poll always becomes a conspiracy theorists character assassination,markbrick caught in a triangulation of fire like Nixon and the grassy knoll shot,this isnt a poll on most popular characters,its the dogs doing the hard work :victory: But I voted for Marks dog :laugh:



I thought it was Kennedy that was shot from the grassy knoll.....lol......its a shame this is degenerating into a slagging match i would have thought the disenters would have bitten their tongues and let the guys in the comp get on with it. Just one question how do you rig a lamping comp?...are the rabbits really ringers trained to run into the organisers dogs? :whistling:

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It was kennedy,I put nixon as that would be the ultimate conspiracy,I omitted Elvis as his driver,and william tell as the shooter :whistling: Its almost 2009,peace and goodwill to man and beast alike,whoever wins its the dog deserves the credit,the characters and personalities on the other end of the leash are bit-players in the contest :victory:

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whats the point in this whole competition ? what does it prove?


The point of this comp is, in my mind, for like minded people to meet, get out and work their dogs and have a good time. I've met a few people I would never have met if it wasn't for the comp, and will probably have nights on the lamp with them again !


What does it proove ? It prooves there is at least 16 people on here who have the confidence in themselves and there dogs, to have matches with other people and not just sit in front of a P.C. and run everything down.


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but scouser and wh had no land and both had to travell to cornwall,its fixed i have finished with this topic



Do you know what geographically closest means???? If Marks scared of W.H dog thats his hard shit mate!!!


:wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:


:hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::drinks::drinks: you anit had too many have you



No mate not yet!!!!


So you gonna shed some light on how we've managed to fix it???


You've said it enough times and we're all waiting.......... :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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Mark you lost one of your other mates his username and you'll do the same with this one too..........all cos you cant keep your trap shut!!!!


You're such a give away, the age old markbrick trait of never letting go!!!


I should've been running scouser, its fixed, blah blah blah, bollocks bollocks bollocks!!!!


i'll say it for the 50th time, you wanted it like this in the beginning......its you thats trying to move the goal posts to suit you!!!!!

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i voted mark as he was genuine his storeys true and he stuck it to the kidswho thought they knew it all esp from the the north lol


Your grammar hasn't improved, Mark !! LOL !!


lol anyone who sticks up for mark are votes for him is mark lol no wonder no one comments lol


"ARE" votes for him !!!!!! PMSL, ROTFL, You f#####g dope !!!!!!!!

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