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just copied this from the grantham journel

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He said: "They see the herd of deer and shine the lamp straight at them to mesmerise it. Then they chase it round the field in a 4x4 to tire it out before setting the dogs on it.


"The dogs are cross bred with American pit bulls to get the speed, strength and aggressiveness. They will go after whatever the handler shines the lamp at- deer, foxes, badgers. There was an incident in the county where they shined the lamp on a gamekeeper as he was walking away and the dog nearly ripped the back of his leg off.


"When they start catching deer and tying them to a post, that's just cruelty. They are probably trying to get the younger dogs psyched up, like training, to teach them to attack a deer."


more of the origonel statement


this statment is bulls**t if shineing a lamp mesmerise deer then why whould you need a fast dog? or a 4x4 to tire it out. how would tying a deer to a post bring a pup on :blink: some people are experts even without any expereance what a joke. people with no knolage on a subject shouldnt try teaching people about it.what a :censored:


always been the same regarding the press and negative dog stories, and the uneducated will see it in black and white and take it as gospel. i remember only to well the weeks leading up to the passing of the D.D.A. back in 91, man you would not believe some of the shite they came out with. if people took the time to really take in what their reading they would see the inconsistancies in what the author has written.

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What aload of shite they seriously aint got a clue it does make me chuckle though :rofl: does [NO TEXT TALK] breed this type of dog i want 1 for christmas :clapper:


if you get one of these deer killing speed mashine pitbulls that kill every thing that you shine a lamp on for christmas. dont hold out on us all becouse i think everyone will whant one lol. :rofl:

Edited by brock1
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for sale. bull x pups.

parents proven works

take ALL quarry in including game keepers (sire takes them single handed)

work day and night.

pups will turn out excellent and you wont be disapointed

this is a one off breeding so to avoid disapointment get yours early

dogs and bitchs avaliable

pm for details

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"The dogs are cross bred with American pit bulls to get the speed, strength and aggressiveness. They will go after whatever the handler shines the lamp at- deer, foxes, badgers. There was an incident in the county where they shined the lamp on a gamekeeper as he was walking away and the dog nearly ripped the back of his leg off.


has if dogs dont no the differancelolthe last bit of the sentance made me chuckle

i think gamekeepers are legitimate quarry mate ;) ,as it doesn't say anything about them in the ban :D

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for sale. bull x pups.

parents proven works

take ALL quarry in including game keepers (sire takes them single handed)

work day and night.

pups will turn out excellent and you wont be disapointed

this is a one off breeding so to avoid disapointment get yours early

dogs and bitchs avaliable

pm for details


lol can i see the perants work first becouse i whould have to get shoot of one of my dog but if there that good how can i miss a opertuneity of a life time they sound just like the one in the news paper are they related lol. :clapper::rofl::haha: :11: :notworthy:

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Usual misinformed bollocks written for the sheep who beleive all they read..............
they belive it because they dont get to read the truith ,because every body that runs dogs keep saying keep it all under cover or the so called antis will be on our backs because of the stupid ban that was put on hunting ,before the ban it was not sutch a big deal because it was out there for all to see and read ,so realy joe public has no other choise but to belive the crap they read in the press. :yes: Edited by MY LAW
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