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Difficult sort of a morning!

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At least you got some

My hob tackled a stoat before...didnt turn out so good for the stoat though lol shame that he ended up as Rascals din dins good looking wee devil and fought to the end

14 aint bad, I hate it when folk just dump rabbits :angry: theres always a use for them its a waste of not only resource but life.




Just thinking about the commotion that went on underground, and wondered if it might be a ferret that has gone feral.

Have caught two up there in the last 16 years, one in a drop trap, a big solid albino hob which i tried to tame, but not a chance. The thing you could hardly span, and tried killing any other ferrets it got near.

The other was a small poley jill, trapped it in a rock pile whilst it made a kill. (heard the rabbit squealing) Took it home and it just died within a day of it being caged.

All stoats in the past have run away, this (I never saw it by the way) was living in one half of the big warren, it never showed and never bolted, but stayed down there fighting off the young hob. There were around 3 carcasses half eaten in one spot, stoats usually have there own holes from what i have seen in the past. :hmm:

if it was a stoat and the ferret got it would the ferret kill it r would the stoat kill the ferret.?if it was a jill r hob

My hob's don't usually back away from much, but one of the older one's did. This was one of last years young one's and a rock solid worker this year.

Only one of this years hobs, quite large and very fast stuck at it. (dumb animal) Probably it got a taste of it's own medicine, and moved whatever it was off the pile of kills.

I'm sure if i'd have put a couple more ferrets in i could have found out what was there, but i think let the critter be, it's only making a living at the end of the day.

Bloody hell i'm showing my soft side again! :D

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had 3 very poor days myself this year brimmer, it happens.


as for leaving rabbits , in genral thats bad practice, but somtimes you just forget dont it my self in the past especialy whilst lamping , with many drop offs.


or of course if some one got disturbed poaching.

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