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Guest anonymous
  chimp said:
19 months old , i think it's time to rethink .


Why? He might have been a mere pet for 15 of those months. I reckon the advice to double him up with another dog is a good idea unless he is a timid creature. Nothing like a bit of jealousy to get the juices flowing. You could also use a rabbit skin and get him to rag it about etc, when playing with him. Let him no he needs a bit of aggression if he wants it.

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  Batson1993 said:
About 2 weeks ago i posted a topic about how my dog wont take squatters but now i have realised he looks awkward when trying to strike for the rabbits that are moving too doesnt bite them i dont know what do? i tryed teasing him with a rabbit and he is just not intersted in them when they dead

If you can do some day time runs with him (ferreting) it might be easier for him to click and build confidence, but at that age not noing his true history he may of been run to hard to early and lost interest, like a hare dog which jacks,

once a jack-er all ways a jack-er

good luck, don't give in to easy and if you do end up looking for another dog see it on the job before paying as there is a lot of dogs been passed on for one thing or another !!! :thumbs:

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  longdogrunner said:
How old is the dog? what you done with it so far???


Some dogs never take to squatters mate, mine'll do them when he wants to, other times he'll just stand waiting for it to move, but some will never do it!!!!


Spot on, i was out last night, got 7 from 13 runs, 4 were squatters, but he only takes them when

they move :( he his a ix collie grey, and alot of colliexs are like that. Still its 7 in the bag. :clapper:

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Guest anonymous
  Batson1993 said:
i had him 5 months now and i know i need to be patient but its hard to be patient lamping for over 2 hours every other night and coming back empty handed


Sounds to me as if you have given up on the dog already. Is this his only bad quality? If it is you've won a coconut in my book.

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Batson you're only down the road from me.....after the new year get yourself up here and i'll take you out alongside my dog, we'll see if yours will run doubled up, if not we'll get it a couple with the wind taken out of them...i mean easy ones...... i had a bitch from a pet home, she missed and missed and missed, ran her doubled up and that set her on fire!!!!! the offers there if you wanna give it a try????

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Guest anonymous
  longdogrunner said:
Batson you're only down the road from me.....after the new year get yourself up here and i'll take you out alongside my dog, we'll see if yours will run doubled up, if not we'll get it a couple with the wind taken out of them...i mean easy ones...... i had a bitch from a pet home, she missed and missed and missed, ran her doubled up and that set her on fire!!!!! the offers there if you wanna give it a try????


There you go mate, a very good offer if you ask me. Well done longdogrunner.

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  longdogrunner said:
Batson you're only down the road from me.....after the new year get yourself up here and i'll take you out alongside my dog, we'll see if yours will run doubled up, if not we'll get it a couple with the wind taken out of them...i mean easy ones...... i had a bitch from a pet home, she missed and missed and missed, ran her doubled up and that set her on fire!!!!! the offers there if you wanna give it a try????


yes mate i would like to give it a try where are you from?

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  Batson1993 said:
  longdogrunner said:
Batson you're only down the road from me.....after the new year get yourself up here and i'll take you out alongside my dog, we'll see if yours will run doubled up, if not we'll get it a couple with the wind taken out of them...i mean easy ones...... i had a bitch from a pet home, she missed and missed and missed, ran her doubled up and that set her on fire!!!!! the offers there if you wanna give it a try????


yes mate i would like to give it a try where are you from?



Newcastle mate...... :thumbs:

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