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Found Dogs-see pics- Lurchers/ Bull Breed

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http://www.rainrescue.co.uk/west-yorkshire-2.htm - check through the different locations dogs- there's a fair few lurchers & some of them could belong to people from here


http://www.lostdogsyorkshire.com/apps/phot...p;pagerOffset=1 - check out B17 pics, its is not a staffy x :whistling:;) , he's in good condition, wearing leather studded collar. If you've lost one or know some one who has he's logged as a staffy x.

Only gone in during last couple of days

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If you need a home for that B17 dog please let me know.


B17 will need homing he's only days away from pts. (They wont say they pts- dont mention it them- they say they rehome or put in rescue place) He's at Springfield Kennels. He's a nice dog, in nice condition. We cannot take him via the rescue because of his staffy x :whistling:


Ring them direct & offer him a place - there will be adoption fee thou.

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If you need a home for that B17 dog please let me know.


B17 will need homing he's only days away from pts. (They wont say they pts- dont mention it them- they say they rehome or put in rescue place) He's at Springfield Kennels. He's a nice dog, in nice condition. We cannot take him via the rescue because of his staffy x :whistling:


Ring them direct & offer him a place - there will be adoption fee thou.



As you mention there will be an "adoption fee" this is a rip off amount of money for a dog that you only be "adopting" so its not yours your just paying for the priveledge of feeding and excercising it as well as the vet bills of course, then the rescue or worse can demand the return of the dog at any time.


So as usual the animal will be PTS just because its a bull breed and all of the simple minded so called rescue centres either have a no bull breeds policy or a PTS sleep policy, its an absolute disgrace that these people are allowed to continue the total myth of animal rescue.

All they want is your donations for there "good work" the dogs that are re-homed (or loaned out) are neutered first so that you end up with a pet only, and of course the shop window needs a new display so the old are PTS and the new are then paraded to attract new donations for there keep, as you rightly say they say that the dogs are either re-homed or found a rescue place but this total bollocks as the dogs are just put down.

There are no rescue centres for working dogs of any kind.


The good work of dogs lost is a worthy cause,it helps people who need it, the so called rescue and animal welfare centres are a sham, give them nothing, do what you can to help fellow fieldsports folk but dont fall for the propoganda thats served up as an urgent public appeal, its lies.


have a good day :(

Edited by ginga john
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I understand what you are saying but the reason the are usually spayed before hand is to stop the unecessary breeding by idiots wanting to earn a quick buck who then dump the bitch & dog anyway. I'm heavily involved in dog rescue & can quite honestly say that there are kennels out there that do not pts. I visit one of them every week to walk the stray/hand in dogs whilst down walking the rescue dogs under assesment.


The reason for the adoption fee is stop people who are not serious about the comitment of looking after a dog- working or otherwise. I can get this lad out with only kennel boarding to be paid. I have had pm's from people offering him a home-the minute homecheck, adoption fee, of neutering is mentioned they disappear. My concern is the lad will be used for fighting, to breed from him in my opinion is wrong- there's dogs been destroyed every minute of the day as it is without adding to them. (That's not a gripe at members on here)


I have recently transported a staffy x :whistling: - into rescue- found tied to a gate after been bred from- she'd still got milk but not much so assume the pups were old enough to survive on there own. She will not be destroyed.


I'm not naive and know a lot of what is said by some animal 'rescues' is absolute garbage. There are good rescue's out there. There is'nt anywhere the speccifically looks after working dogs- but if they go into the rescue's I know about I do try match them up with missing dogs- especially from sites like this.


A lot of council run places dont have none pts policies, staffs especially are getting dumped at a rate you wouldnt believe & yes they are getting pts because they are in the wrong skin. Greys, lurchers & terriers tend to go out quickly -dont forget unless they are chipped, or tattoo'd you only get 7 days to get them back.


Anyone SERIOUS about this lad can contact me-


Doglost by the way doesnt charge a thing for helping to find missing dogs. Yes we appreciate any donations given. There's a lot goes on behind the main site. The reason I ask people to log on themselves & post pics is to help them- peopl can contact owners direct rather than waiting for me to log on here then xpost backwards & forwards.


I come on this site because I'm interested in what you do. I do the rescue work & Doglost to try do a bit to save some dogs from needless pts. I only posted bout this guy as it's a breed that peeps on here are interested in.

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I understand what you are saying but the reason the are usually spayed before hand is to stop the unecessary breeding by idiots wanting to earn a quick buck who then dump the bitch & dog anyway. I'm heavily involved in dog rescue & can quite honestly say that there are kennels out there that do not pts. I visit one of them every week to walk the stray/hand in dogs whilst down walking the rescue dogs under assesment.


The reason for the adoption fee is stop people who are not serious about the comitment of looking after a dog- working or otherwise. I can get this lad out with only kennel boarding to be paid. I have had pm's from people offering him a home-the minute homecheck, adoption fee, of neutering is mentioned they disappear. My concern is the lad will be used for fighting, to breed from him in my opinion is wrong- there's dogs been destroyed every minute of the day as it is without adding to them. (That's not a gripe at members on here)


I have recently transported a staffy x :whistling: - into rescue- found tied to a gate after been bred from- she'd still got milk but not much so assume the pups were old enough to survive on there own. She will not be destroyed.


I'm not naive and know a lot of what is said by some animal 'rescues' is absolute garbage. There are good rescue's out there. There is'nt anywhere the speccifically looks after working dogs- but if they go into the rescue's I know about I do try match them up with missing dogs- especially from sites like this.


A lot of council run places dont have none pts policies, staffs especially are getting dumped at a rate you wouldnt believe & yes they are getting pts because they are in the wrong skin. Greys, lurchers & terriers tend to go out quickly -dont forget unless they are chipped, or tattoo'd you only get 7 days to get them back.


Anyone SERIOUS about this lad can contact me-


Doglost by the way doesnt charge a thing for helping to find missing dogs. Yes we appreciate any donations given. There's a lot goes on behind the main site. The reason I ask people to log on themselves & post pics is to help them- peopl can contact owners direct rather than waiting for me to log on here then xpost backwards & forwards.


I come on this site because I'm interested in what you do. I do the rescue work & Doglost to try do a bit to save some dogs from needless pts. I only posted bout this guy as it's a breed that peeps on here are interested in.

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Hello Dogslost, i am not aiming any of my critism at you or your organisation i have used the site in the past and have spoken to as well

the problem i have is that ALL of the rescue centres i have been to in the past have given me the following answers when i tried to re-home a dog:

we will need to come and check your home as we need to see that you are a suitable "adopter", i didn't want to adopt a dog i wanted to give the dog a good and permanent home, as for the home check no problem at all.

How many hours a day do you work? as we must not leave the dog for more than two hours on its own!

well thats the rub if i dont work we shall all starve!

How big are your garden fences?, well as its a terrier i was trying to re-home they should have asked how deep do they go into the ground!


and it goes on and on, i agree that there are plenty of idiots in the working dog arena that will just use a dog to make a couple of quid, but do you seriously think that these people wont pay for a dog and then get £150-£200 a pup? just to either dump the dog or at worst shoot it, it does happen.


Until the resue centres stop trying to penalise a prospective new owner financially then the people churning out pups (bull breeds especially) will carry on

two of my terriers have come from working homes as pups and for a lot less than any rescue centre was asking as a "Fee" the third and in fact the first one i got came as problem dog, very high prey drive and kept running off and disapearing down holes and getting beaten up so the people who owned him put him into a boarding kennel and left him there, i was more than happy to cover half of the kennel fees with the kennel just to get a dog that was from working stock and hadn't had his nuts chopped off!!


I'm sure that there are as many good working dog people as bad but the cost and conditions attached to re-homeing a dog from a rescue centre are just not in any way reasonable.


good luck and i hope you find a home for the bully dog





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I work full time & got 3 dogs. Ok so I got damn good neighbours & at present thanks to tosser of a step-dad mams living here as well-but we all work. Most rescues will say that they dont like you to leave the dog longer than 4 hours. Most wont home if dog will be kept outside. A lot dont do any home checks & will let you take any dog you want for 'adoption fee'. This fee covers cost of boarding, microchipping, & vacs. Some will spay/castrate before homing, some will give you the dog & a voucher for reduced cost neutering.


Being involved with dog rescue i've seen it from both sides. Been realistic i've seen a lot of your dogs kept in better conditions outside than some dogs kept indoors. The staffs are been given a real shitty deal at the minute- pounds are full of them. My friends do not pts but a lot of places do.


I do homechecks for different rescues- it hopefully will stop a dog being homed into another unsuitable home. Some of the dogs have issues- albeit small & suprising how many will say they want a dog but as you talk to them- they want a perfect dog that wont mind next doors kids climbing over the fence or grannies dog beating it up.

The fence height question is fairly standard-but as you say if you want a Jack russell- 6ft high fencing dont make any difference whens he's dug 2 ft under it.

As for working -there's few people that dont have to- I always am realistic- you have to be. Dogs dont need you sat with them 24hrs a day, then again they dont want leaving for 12 hrs either. As for not leaving a dog 2 hours-mine are glad of 4 hrs peace & quiet when we go to work before there 1st visitors & always have been.


Think I ought to say I am involved with dog rescue & Doglost. I came on here as Doglost Co-ordinator so people could find me quick if they wanted to. I dont take comments personally. We all have our own views & opinions- at the end of the day the more people know about how many dogs are been pts for no reason the better.

Where Doglost is concerned- thats about awareness as well. It only takes 1 person to be in the right place at right time to get a missing dog back. We've had them found via microchips 4 years after been lost/stolen. I've personally been able to help trap two dogs one roaming 9 mths- she's now with me & another roaming 3 mths.

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