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legality of jabbing dogs

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after having a problem with one of my dogs and taking him to the vets ,having blazing row with them about the ripp off price and telling them i wont be bringing my dogs back to em and saying ill be jabbing them myself,the vet replied ill be reporting you to the royal vetrinary college and could get the police involved i just wandered what the legality of injecting ones own dogs????????

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they cant do you for nothing my family and me myself have been breeding greyhounds for years always vaccinate our own pups and the ngrc (national greyhound racing club) still earmark and registar our pups no problem and numerous vets as between the family we use 4 different vets know we do this and never say a word about it i think your vet is just trying to get you to pay their prices

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they cant do you for injecting your own dogs ? but they can for receiveing the drugs to do it ? which i think you would be very unlucky to get caught unless you bought bulk loads .i did this for years lurchers terriers hounds frequent visits from rspca who got the big fk off from me.

Edited by bignoel
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I injected my own pups and nearly got jailed for it, police and defra agents came to house and the lot it was only that I wasnt a breeder and I had a small litter of only 3 pups that they didnt do me for it they said a vet had found out and reported me and that it is only legal in ireland how right this is I dont know but I still inject my own dogs but would never do it for any body else or for pups that are to be sold.

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yes you are right you cant inject anyone else's dog's you buy your mates dog for a pound and inject him then sell him back for a pound ? loop hole i have had rspca ask me how was i vacinating my dog's told them do it myself no cop's involved no problem from anyone 22 hounds 6 terriers 2 lurchers . vacinated all pups before letting any go they saw all my jab's penicillan b12 injection's never had a problem

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yeh I was told its legal in ireland but not england they wanted to know where I got them and everything needless to say told them f**k all because I still get them now bloody price hasnt half shot up tho they said if they found out I had jabbed anouther dog even one of my own id be done next time and it would be time.so was this clown chating shit then I can jab as long as its my dog at the time and Idont have the drugs in my house?

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This makes me mad when i hear about vets kicking up about vaccines. My partner has a large dairy herd and you wouldent believe the drugs we are allowed to handle and non of us are qualified or trained vets/nurses.

Its just the vets trying to cash in on the pet market and they know that most farmers with huge farm accounts wouldent tolerate being treated like the vets do with the pet owners.

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The feller that came for me from defra said it was only to do with money and that it is stealing from the vets he said 3 pups 2 initial jabs £30 each x3 then one every 6 month booster at £30 x3 for usaly about 12 years average age of a terrier =£2340 the vet lost out on from jabbing your own litter thats what pisses them off robbing b*****ds I was only paying £5 a dog gone up to £15 a dog now though.

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We must have a good vets, i went into the vets today for some drugs for the farm and also asked if i could take home some parvo vaccines for our pups they said yes as long as it was for my own use and i dident expect the vaccination certificate to be signed.

I came out with 11 vaccines of both 1st and second and they also gave me 2 doses of the anti mate injection as the first is due on christmas day. I cant see that it can be illegal to do your own dogs if our own vet has just supplied me with the drugs to do them.

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