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Put it on a separate line,i.e

.22lr - Rifle

.22lr - sound moderator


I never put down a reason on my applications; but I recently submitted a variation for a .308 rifle and moderator for target shooting but was denied the moderator even though I tried to argue that it reduced recoil and therefore made the weapon more accurate. Their reply was that mods are not issued for target shooting but if I get my DSC 1 and land permissions I could have one (another £26.00!)

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  mcrobo123 said:
just a quick one were do you write about a moderator on your fac aplication ? do you put down .22 rifle + moderator or does it go on a seperate line?

just thought id ask before i cock this part of the form up.


you had best put it on another line as a mod is a seperate item from your rifle when entered on your ticket. it is for lothian and borders force anyway. either way it wont cock the form up.


hope this helps. :thumbs:

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  silver_fox said:
Put it on a separate line,i.e

.22lr - Rifle

.22lr - sound moderator


I never put down a reason on my applications; but I recently submitted a variation for a .308 rifle and moderator for target shooting but was denied the moderator even though I tried to argue that it reduced recoil and therefore made the weapon more accurate. Their reply was that mods are not issued for target shooting but if I get my DSC 1 and land permissions I could have one (another £26.00!)


you should never have mentioned accuracy mate, that doesnt matter to plod. you should have went down the hearing protection route then they more or less have to give it to you as it becomes a health and safety issue.

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