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GB Sights Elite Digital Add On

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Hi everyone,


I posted this on a couple of airgun sites and thought it would be good to show here too. I have on loan for a month a virtually new GB Sights Elite add-on night vision attachment. I'm trying this out over my conventional night set up. It's married up to a Yukon 100mW IR illuminator.










Spent about 30 minutes in the garden and thought I'd post my findings.



Been looking to get a new NV unit after owning various units, which have been, in order Yukon NVRS-F (Gen 1), Cobra Merlin (Gen 1), SM-3S26 ("HyperGen" 2+) and finally a standard unit, LEDRay torch with Yukon Digital Ranger (digital). I've been intrigued -- and impressed -- by digital night vision with the Ranger and had an opportunity to try out the latest GB Sights unit, which is the successor to the "ASPro". The great thing about digital is that it is not afflicted by tube burn by being exposed to too much light, although exposure to sunlight isn't going to do it any good!


The Unit

This unit arrived brilliantly packed (I was worn out removing the gaffer tape!) and comprised all the standard bits and pieces. Took it upstairs and went into the loft to fit onto the back of the Legend. After a few minutes fiddling, successfully got a very good image of the reticle. I did have a problem only getting part of the reticle in vision but corrected this by turning in the lens on the back of the scope. Switched it on and was impressed! I removed my LEDRay light and fitted the IR LED illuminator (100mW I believe) using the same mount as for the LEDRay, and then removed the honeycomb thing from the illuminator.


The Test

I waited until 1715 when it was properly dark around my parts. I live in the countryside with no light pollution from street lights: when it's dark, it's dark! Went into the garden and set up on a table, focusing the scope first to 20yards. With IR on, the image was stunning and having to compensate. with IR off the image was visible, albeit a bit dark.


Next test was out to 35 yards. You have to use IR at this range and the image was very good, bright and clear! Next test: 60 yards. At this range the unit will begin to struggling through a scope. The image is still clear, but you need to turn up the unit's sensitivity and this results in a reduction in the frame rate of the unit. This is obvious when you pan around but once the rifle is settled -- such as a classic sniping position for rabbits -- the image is absolutely fine. I suspect the limiting factor was probably the IR unit and anything beyond 60 yards would benefit from a Laser IR unit. Digital units are very IR-demanding.



I am pleased with the performance of this unit. It surpasses anything Gen 1 -- either dedicated or add-on. As for the HyperGen scope I owned, this digital unit does not come up to that unit's standard, but then that unit is twice the price. I would say it is around two thirds to three quarters the quality of the HG dedicated scope (remember, this is an add-on). Nevertheless, the quality of the picture is very, very good and surpassed my expectations. The negative point is the frame rate issue (you can adjust the sensitivity, darkening the image somewhat, then turn up brightness to help compensate) but this would be remedied by a laser unit for long range shooting. Certainly for 12ft/lb and even FAC air hunting ranges, this unit is a worthy piece of equipment.


Finally, I thought I'd post a rough, and subjective, score for each of my NV units I have owned...at least you get an idea of comparative quality. 100% is the image quality of the HG scope, as this is the benchmark.


SM-3S26HG: 100%

Elite: 70%

NVRS-F: 55%

Merlin: 40%

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With the standard LED Ir illuminator, I can identify rabbits out to about 80 yards. The limiting factor is the x5 magnification of the scope as anything more and the image is too dark. However, I have just added a N350 laser to the combination and 200 yards + is easily achievable. Up to 60 yards I can use the scope at x15 (yes 15), and the image is very good still. At x5 magnification, I have to use the laser on its widest beam setting, otherwise the illumination is too bright.

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Price is £999. Here are some pictures through the Elite taken on a camera. Images genuinely representative of the image, except in RL the image is sharper as I had the shakes a bit holding the camera and rifle steady. In this first picture, the tree is 45 yards away and the bushes at the back ~55 yards away.


In the second picture, a ####**ing huge rat appeared -- at least I think it was a rat. I\'m afraid the pic is a bit blurry, but you get the idea. Scope at x6 (plus x1.7 for the native magnification of the unit, so x8). Laser at widest possible beam setting.






And here is some video just completed. Distance varies from 30 to 80 yards and I crank up the mag from x5 (x8 after the x1.7 multiplier) to x15 (x22 with multiplier). The N350 laser is changed from widest flood to a closer spot (not completely spot). The image at x22 can be made much brighter by increasing the laser illumination from flood to spot.


Some points: video is a degraded representation of what you see because of encoding and upscaling size by Youtube, but you get the idea.



Edited by C3PO
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  • 1 month later...

Word of warning , I tried for 3months to get the Rpro from Gavin from GB sights, even saw one of the Rpro's that another shooter had but he runs as a one man band and basically you have more chance of the Pope wrestling Osama Bin laden than actually getting anything from Gavin. Check out other shooting forums and see!

Edited by dave1372
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  • 2 months later...

Nor does it help, when benefactors of his come on here still pushing his stuff, its also noted you have links to that other site run by that megalomaniac who provided he's in the loop allows dealers to trade their wares. GB sights dont touch em with a barge pole

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  bigrifle said:
Nor does it help, when benefactors of his come on here still pushing his stuff, its also noted you have links to that other site run by that megalomaniac who provided he's in the loop allows dealers to trade their wares. GB sights dont touch em with a barge pole

Well said.....why promote a product if you can't supply it and why treat your potential customers like shit by ignoring them and lieing to them!!!

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