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Mob Or Horror Films?

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Which one's did it for you or scared the shit out of you? :laugh:, Dr Who still has me hiding behind the sofa with the kids....


As for the Mob Films anything from De Niro or Pacino took some beating! having said that this British Mob film set in the 60's was a bit special, its not a nice scene so don't watch it if you're into Free Willy movies ;) ......



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Which one's did it for you or scared the shit out of you? :laugh:, Dr Who still has me hiding behind the sofa with the kids....


As for the Mob Films anything from De Niro or Pacino took some beating! having said that this British Mob film set in the 60's was a bit special, its not a nice scene so don't watch it if you're into Free Willy movies ;) ......





good old Festive spirit there Jasp :drink:

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True Romance is a mob film i rate with a good cast...well worth seeing :victory:


Some fine acting from a scene from the film from two fine actors Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken...



Damn good choice, a very underrated film, your dead right about Hopper and Walken, fine, fine acting! :notworthy:


Sexy Beast is a great Brit classic to.


As for Horror..... I must have had a bad time as a kid with those old Hammer classics, so i'm hiding behind a cushion as soon as the music starts :icon_redface:

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A bit off topic but works all day every day :thumbs: imagine you're a rugby or a football player or feckin tiddlywinks if ya like, you stare at your opposite number :-


"You got any movies of ya missus pal?"


"Na" is the reply


"Wanna see some?" :boxing::boxing:


worked every time...................so I've been told :toast:

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