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Goshawks Standing


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Just a few pic's of my Gos's standing for Insemination. all four are now on their heads and standing perfect. my male is pretty hit and miss at the moment so I'm limited with the amount of Semen I'm getting, at the moment its gold dust so I'm Inseminateing the birds which are the closest to laying first with the good shots and useing extender fluid on the small amounts on the other birds, there are two German birds in the pictures standing on the bow with a nest made up for them, and two finnish birds standing in the aviaries, the German birds was kept on the bow perches due to their wildness in the aviaries, these are relaxed and easier to work with on the bow's, both Finns are fine in the aviaries.











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  jasper65 said:
Just a few pic's of my Gos's standing for Insemination. all four are now on their heads and standing perfect. my male is pretty hit and miss at the moment so I'm limited with the amount of Semen I'm getting, at the moment its gold dust so I'm Inseminateing the birds which are the closest to laying first with the good shots and useing extender fluid on the small amounts on the other birds, there are two German birds in the pictures standing on the bow with a nest made up for them, and two finnish birds standing in the aviaries, the German birds was kept on the bow perches due to their wildness in the aviaries, these are relaxed and easier to work with on the bow's, both Finns are fine in the aviaries.












Nice pics :good: hope the breeding season goes good for you

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  mush said:
do they stay on the bow perches when rearing the young ? or do you take the eggs away and foster est. ?

Great pictures by the way.


Hello Mush


I'll pull all there eggs as they lay them to a empty nest, I'll see how they go but I'll normally pull to 5 and then stick a dummy back and let her clutch up, one of the females on the bow has fostered before so I would have loved to have used her! it will be bad practice to allow her to Parent Rear anything so all the eggs will go under Foster parents as you mentioned, It s a bit of a b*****d as to be honest the more birds I can use to rear the better just incase things go wrong with the other foster parents, its a real shame I had to leave them on the bow to stand but both German birds was brought to me late and would'nt settle in a enclosure, I'll have them both with me now until next year hopefully! I'll be able to steady them up and get them in a aviary to settle down sooner.






PS. Nice one Stollen! I hope you're right but if anything is going to let me down its going to be lack of semen from the male, I could end up with a whole lot of Infertile eggs :sick:.

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Please don't take this as a dig at you, as i understand why you breed as you do


Do you think in the future breeder will find it hard to find some types of bop that can rear their own young, as has happened with other types of birds like the say the canary, or is it already happening with some lines.there is Gos semen on falcon bird mart don't know how old the add is.




what size aviary do you need for breeding BOP does it depend on the type of BOP, not that i'm going to try LOL as from what i've heard its a 24 hour job.

Good luck with with the season :good:

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  mush said:
Please don't take this as a dig at you, as i understand why you breed as you do


Do you think in the future breeder will find it hard to find some types of bop that can rear their own young, as has happened with other types of birds like the say the canary, or is it already happening with some lines.there is Gos semen on falcon bird mart don't know how old the add is.




what size aviary do you need for breeding BOP does it depend on the type of BOP, not that i'm going to try LOL as from what i've heard its a 24 hour job.

Good luck with with the season :good:


Hello Mush


Its a hard one. I have used Harris's to rear Gos's and vice versa and you would think alot of birds used with Foreign Foster parents would Imprint to that species, but it don't seem to happen! I suppose its no different than a cuckoo reared by a Reed warbler! they don't try and bang a Reed Warbler a year later the cuckoo still knows its a cuckoo even though its parents are a different species, where as birds that are imprinted by Humans are Basically a bit Fecked in the head! for some reason they either think they're Human or you are one of them which is why they become conditioned to breed with us during the breeding season, This is one of the reasons why I won't fly a Imprint! its like being flown by its mother or another member of its species, no wonder they mantle and scream when being flown at hunting weight, yet the funny thing is even though say a Gos Imprinted to me don't recognise another Gos as a breeding partner it will still rear young Goshawks like a Parent Reared bird! although in its mind its switched onto me as a partner. Very Confuseing :blink:.


For the Imprints there aviaries are 8 x 8", the Pair of Gos's have a 24 x 10 by 8 high aviary, its partitioned down the middle which I'll open up when she is receptive to him, if the timeing is wrong with the pairs of Gos's the male usually ends up on the Menu :whistle:.

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